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258 results found

  1. Need API to download files from Trashed folders

    As of now we can able to download files from Trash, but when we try to download files from the folder that is trashed by user under legalhold, we can't do it. This is a gap in edisocvery process. Can you please publish the API endpoint to download the files from trashed folders as well? We can't tamper the user data.

    Same kind of request available in these 2 places well.

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  2. File Conflicts in Zip Download, provide our own file names to avoid conflicts

    File Conflicts in Zip Download, provide our own file names to avoid conflicts.

    For the Create Zip Download API call, there's an issue with files with name conflicts being renamed randomly. Instead, could we provide our own file name for the file name conflicts?


    Folder A / Tacos.jpg
    Folder B / Tacos.jpg

    Result (assuming we provide our own file names):

    1st filename = Folder A - Tacos.jpg
    2nd filename = Folder B - Tacos.jpg

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  3. Gmail integration

    I am hoping that the Box interface with Gmail will be improved to the level that the interface is with Microsoft Outlook. Outlook can link to multiple files simultaneously, can link to folders, and leaves off with the last searched item. Working within Gmail has slowed down our process with Box significantly. So much so that I choose not to use the interface but grab the link directly from Box. Please advise when this can be updated/improved. Thanks!

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  4. Multiple-Use Refresh Token

    The single-use refresh token for authentication has made integrating our web app with Box far more complicated than for other file-sharing platforms. A way for approved developers to obtain a multiple-use refresh token would be of great value.

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  5. Improve the use of Variable Strings in the JAVA SDK

    For customers who are leveraging an API gateway using Java SDK version 3.2.1 some URL prefix text strings are not dynamically adjusted.

    For example, when customers are downloading the file representation in it tries to call directly the box API URL like the following URL:

    Some customers may be leveraging a customer specific gateway, so they need to be able to dynamically change the URL where is replaced with the gateway prefix like all the other calls:

    {{CUSTOMERGATEWAY}} /internalfiles/123/versions/345/representations/jpgthumb32x32

    There are a number of places where the prefix was not dynamic.

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  6. Create an API endpoint to "Forget App" and "Forget All" Apps

    From within the WebApp a user can go to their Account Settings --> Security tab and require re-authentication for an application by clicking "Forget App" for a specific app login or "Forget All". We believe there is value it making this available via the API so that this could be triggered by an Enterprise Application. This comes up most frequently around compromised accounts but would also be valuable when a device with the Box Desktop apps installed goes out for repair.

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  7. Add ability to use the shift key for multi-selecting group of items in the UI Elements Content Picker

    Add ability to use the shift key for multi-selecting group of items in the UI Elements Content Picker

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  8. Provide ability to deploy custom code

    Provide the ability to deploy Box-related backend and front-end code using tier-1 Box SDKs and Box UI Elements respectively. This would allow customer-specific business logic to be created and to expose those capabilities as a custom endpoint without needed to deploy the cost to 3rd-party platform such as Heroku, AWS, Azure, or GCP. This would also allow external applications to invoke the use case-specific endpoints to tie into external business processes.

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  9. Address book

    Request to add a Business Contacts Address Book in Box that can be shared, or is accessible, for designated Team Members.

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  10. Allow a Custom Size for Chunked Uploads

    Currently, each part should have exactly the size that was returned from post-files-upload-sessions (Link: API call in Upload session object (Link:

    Depending on a user's network configuration, allowing a user to determine the specific part size for chunked uploads can allow them more control in completing these uploads quicker, and preventing failures based on network restrictions they may possibly have in place.

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  11. Custom apps with restricted folder access

    We want to create a custom app where access is restricted to certain folders only.
    Downscoping is not the best solution.
    JWT key pairs are at risk of leaking.
    The key pair itself needs to restricted access to only specific folders.

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  12. Request for resolving the problem of retrieving group memberships

    I wish the following problem will be fixed :
    We are able to see the issue when retrieving group membership datas if the group have multiple users having the same name and get membership with multiple offset.
    For example, there are two users having the same name and both of users is a member of the group. If we request all of membership for the group with multiple offset, the endpoint of group may only include one of both, not include another user in the response.

    I have submitted this incident to Box support ticket(#2387523), and received an answer that…

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  13. Alternative Endpoints for API calls

    In some regions, using the default endpoint doesn't work or works really slowly. Therefore, box offers different endpoints for different regions. For China, this is (Box Alternate Domains redacted for privacy)
    That's great!

    However, those endpoints can only be used within the box web app.
    The only available box API to download a file is respectively to download multiple files as a zip, which generates a download URL starting with
    As a result, the generated download URL delivers very slow downloads or does not work at all in some regions of the world.

    Therefore, I request…

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  14. Ability to hide collaborator through Create Collaboration API call or within the Folder Creation API call

    Ability to hide collaborators and their activity from non-owners within the Create Collaboration API call or within the Folder Creation API call, or both.

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  15. Ability to retrieve the number of files for each folder through API

    The Box API allows users to get a list of the files contained in a folder, but it does not provide a direct way to get the number of files per folder, so we would like to provide a way to get the number of files.

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  16. Request refresh token update again

    OAuth2 refresh token update can be performed only once.
    * Because the previous refresh token becomes invalid immediately.
    However, there are unfortunate cases where a network disconnection occurs and the client is unable to obtain the refresh token.
    Therefore, we would like to change the behavior so that the refresh token update can be requested again only for a short time.
    Also, please publish the ping endpoint to a third-party that can check the communication with the Box server. (Box Drive is already using)

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  17. Better support for developer API

    Insufficient support available for developer tools. Posted to forums yielded zero responses, how would you like to engage your platform?

    all API calls yield useless error with no documentation:

    error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line

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  18. Available get to 'My Collections' other than favorites via API

    In 3rd-party app, My Collection is a very good idea as a way to provide quick access to users.
    But, it can only take favorites.
    Please let me get 'My Collections' other than favorites.
    Currently, only the favorites collection is supported.

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  19. Adding Annotation events to Enterprise Event Queue API

    Add the annotation events to the Enterprise Event Queue API.

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  20. 【can_view_path】How the path looks when an item is moved to the trash

    When using canviewpath, the collaborator sees a folder on the screen with no contents that should have been moved to the trash.
    This has to do with the collaboration ID.

    This is because even if you delete an item, the collaboration ID remains and is needed to restore the item.

    Although the actual contents cannot be accessed, the fact that the folder can be accessed and the folder name can be confirmed is considered a serious incident by companies with strict security requirements, and an early response is required.
    Is it possible to change the functionality on a…

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