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185 results found
Reports: Add Matter Name to Title of Report Export (Excel File)
Example name of the current report:
"legalholdsrunon7-28-16__2-24-23-PM"?That doesn't tell me which matter it's related to.
A unique identifier - likely the name - for the matter/hold should also be added to the file name.
0 votes -
Reports: Replace User ID in the Legal Hold Report with User's Email
In the current Legal Hold report export (Excel file), users are referred to by their User ID (e.g., 123233124) which isn't really helpful for an admin to identify 'who' that is.
Using email address would be a much better field to include, either replacing the User ID field OR adding in Email as an additional column.
3 votes -
Manage Quarantine Programmatically (via API)
There is no way to manage the quarantine process programmatically. As a result, we must individually release / delete quarantined files via the UI.
Given that the policies have a tendency to generate false positives, this process becomes very time consuming and difficult to manage and requires valuable IT time to click buttons (often for hours).
At our scale, and since we opt to use DLP policies, it's impossible to manage.
10 votesThank you for the suggestion! At the moment there is no plan for this feature. We may look into this in the future.
0 votes
Unclear on what the specific request and use-case are for this feature request. Please provide more detail!
BCC E-mail to Archive is Insufficient as an eDiscovery feature
The BCC E-mail to Archive feature cannot be used for eDiscovery if users disable their e-mail notifications, as the feature only works if an email is sent to users.
As a result, this control cannot be relied upon by organizations and introduces a gap in control.
We require this functionality for our compliance/legal requirements.
0 votes -
9 votes
Batch Email Notification for Policy Violation
If an admin uploads a folder of 10 documents to Box and each violates an upload policy, the end user will receive 10 email notifications. Our admin has asked that we batch these emails together if the violation happens within a certain time period.
0 votesThank you for the suggestion! At the moment there is no plan to update notifications. We may look into this in the future.
Customize Upload Policy Email Notifications
Ability to add customized logos, hyperlinks, and change the text of the notification email so it makes more sense for our organization.
As the notification stands now, it's generic and we want to make it more descriptive.
4 votesThank you for the suggestion! At the moment there is no plan for this feature. We may look into this in the future.
Notification Policy - Notify if not part of certain domains
It's desired that Notification Policies have the ability to notify if an external collaborator is added that is not part of the EID's domains.
Currently, companies must set a notification policy and detail all of the domains they want a notification policy for.
0 votesWhile this is possible to implement, we are not making significant changes to sharing policies in the near future.
Legal Hold - Cold storage
Ability for a user to delete file from trash but file is still retained (if under legal hold and/or retention policies)
0 votesThis is not planned at the moment due to the resource-intensive request against our other roadmap priorities. I appreciate this use case and your sharing this feedback.
8 votes
Retention Policies as Deletion Policies
Files in a folder (or globally) would be purged after a certain period of time, but if a user wants to remove the content before that time, they would be able to do so.
24 votesCurrently not planned; may be considered for future roadmap
0 votes
We do not currently have plans to introduce this, but would appreciate any additional context on the use-cases in mind for this feature.
6 votes
No plans at this time to add this to our existing upload policies, but we will explore methods to enable this through other means.
0 votes
Thank you for the suggestion! At the moment there is no plan for this feature. We may look into this in the future.
0 votes
We do not allow users to reinstate retention periods since it would create a lot of confusion around what happened between the times the policy was active.
Ability to customize download policy thresholds
Currently the policy thresholds are automatically set by our algorithms, and the policy is triggered on a per minute rate basis and one hour time window. This has caused alert fatigue for the customer because so many notifications are generated every few minutes based on these thresholds that they aren't able to update or customize.
9 votesWe will be looking at how to reduce the noise but it might not be through enabling customization.
Unified/Global 'All Trash' View
In larger companies, Content Manager's organization of trash (by Owner) and searching through Usage Logs are both overly cumbersome when looking for a file that a user has 'lost' (aka that's been deleted).
To ease this pain, please build a unified/consolidated/global 'All Trash' view added somewhere in the Admin Console -- likely in Content Manager.
From that view, an admin would be able to see:
1. File/folder name
2. Date deleted
3. Owner
4. Deleted by (user)
5. Option to permanently delete or restore18 votesThis is not planned at this time.
Inactive folder owners content not available to other collaborators in the folder
Currently, if a folder owner is made inactive, the collaborators in the folder can't access the content. If you allowed users to copy content to a new folder, it would cause issues if retention polices are in place as users can't currently set policies for folders.
Additionally, if they copy the content to a folder with a greater retention period the extended timeline will then be applied to the content.
If a folder owner is made inactive and the folder has a retention policy applied to it can this folder automatically be transferred a nominated person with Governance admin rights…
0 votesWill need to understand the use case more (please also note that some customers will transfer content under an inactive owner to another active user).
HTML5 Video Support in Custom Terms of Service.
We would like to have a compliance video embedded in the Custom Terms of Service popup that appears in user trying to gain access to Box
0 votesThis is a very interesting request, and not one we have considered previously.
It’s an unlikely addition, but we will consider this with additional demand.
For now, is it possible to use a Box link for the video?
- Don't see your idea?