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1386 results found
If you try to copy a large number of files and they become subject to LFO, please give me a warning.
The folder was locked for a week until it was finished copying over 300,000 files, and a new folder could not be created and work could not be performed.大量ファイルをコピーしようとしてLFO対象となる場合は、警告をしてほしい。
30数万ファイル入ったファイルをコピーして終わるまでの1週間該当フォルダがロックされ、新規フォルダが作成できず業務が実施できなかったことがあったため。2 votes -
All Files External Shares
Within the All Files view it would be nice to be able to separate and collapse the External Collaborations (Grey Folders) to the internal folders. In addition, make the separation collapsible to clean up the interface and provide a better de-linearisation between internal and external content.
1 vote -
SSO "Part of Company" landing page customization
If SSO is enabled, users (both managed and external) can be prompted with a page asking if they are part of our organization. When you select continue, it take you to the SSO page, which Not a part of Company takes you to login with you Box credentials.
This language is confusing for our external collaborators, as they often think they are part of our organization.
We would like the ability to customize or alter the language on this page to make it clear that the Continue button is for employees only.
1 vote -
Please relax the recommended number of collaboration users per item
We would like the recommended number of collaboration users per item to be relaxed.
With the current recommended value of 15,000, we are having trouble with being able to invite all employees.1アイテムごとのコラボレーションユーザーの推奨値を緩和してほしい。
現在の推奨値である15,000だと、全社員を招待するといった運用ができず困っています。9 votes -
Multi-language display of folders and file names stored in the Box
Multi-language display of folders and file names stored in the Box
When sharing Box folder names with overseas users (users of other languages), Japanese folder names may not be understood.
I would like it to be possible to display folder names in multiple languages, as this would make communication and work smoother and more efficient.Boxに格納されているフォルダとファイル名をマルチランゲージで表示したい
マルチランゲージでフォルダ名を表示できれば意思の疎通や業務がスムーズになり効率的になるためマルチランゲージでの表示が出来るようにして欲しいです。1 vote -
Ability to show or hide specific metadata templates for specific users and groups only.
As the number of metadata templates increases, selecting metadata when creating file request links or Relay workflows can become complicated and lead to mistakes.
By setting metadata templates that you want to use only for specific users/groups, you can reduce mistakes like this and improve the usability of Box, so We would like to see it implemented.メタデータテンプレート数が増加するにあたりファイルリクエストリンクやRelayワークフローの作成の際のメタデータ選択が煩雑になりミスを誘発する可能性があります 。
特定のユーザー/グループにのみ使用させたいメタデータテンプレートを設定することでこのようなミスを削減しBoxの利便性にも繋がるため是非実現してほしいです。6 votes -
Collaborator list size is too small.
After 12/17/2024, the number of collaborators displayed is the owner and 10 collaborators.
Previously, about 100 collaborators were displayed.
Please return to the previous number of people on the list, because this change has increased the effort to manage collaborators.1 vote -
Filename searches are incredibly slow
Searches in the web interface are painfully slow, even when limited to file names and filtering on specific types of files. There is clearly a need to index the metadata.
2 votes -
I want to specify Box directly as the file download destination from the web
When downloading a file from a website, it needs to be saved locally first and then uploaded to Box.
I would like a browser extension that would allow me to directly specify a Box folder as the download destination.
Of course, I know I could use Box Drive, but as a company I would like to stop using Box Drive in the future.
1 vote -
Increase scale of sort within a folder with page search query result limit
Limit the number of search results to improve results. Increase scale of items in folder that is sortable without error. Most interested in sort by file size, but should impact all types of sort.
2 votes -
Make it possible to divide the content display area into two areas
I want to be able to divide the content display area into two areas and display different folders.
I also want to be able to move or copy content between areas by dragging and dropping.1 vote -
Folder migration improvements
Folder migration improvements
The current process for changing folder ownership and transferring it to a new location is cumbersome and inefficient. It involves:
1) Logging into the Admin Console and impersonating the owner's account to change the folder ownership.
2) Waiting an unspecified amount of time for the change to take effect.
3) Logging in as the new owner to move the folder to its new location.
4) Waiting again for another unspecified amount of time for the move to finalize.We are undertaking a large-scale project to transfer folder ownership from individual accounts to a service-level account and reorganize…
1 vote -
Users to oversee the File request used Folders
We would like to have users to be able to see which folders they have enabled file request as an list.
The image is to have a "File Request" tab in the Box menu on the left side.
Once you click that tab, it will show all the folders that the users have enabled file request so they can disable unnecessary link.3 votes -
Change the wording in the log in / Homepage
Could the wording on the home page be changed to read "Employee of..." instead of "Part of ...."? We share Box with external users and the wording is confusing as they are part of the company but do not work for it.
1 vote -
Preview support for SRT subtitle files
Guys, video subtitle files '.srt' are simple structured text files, it would be amazing to add support for previewing them in the interface.
1 vote -
Mirror shared folder across enterprises
We have a user who collaborates with folks in a different Box enterprise, and wants to know if their shared content can be mirrored between folders within each enterprise. He sees this as a potential positive for backup, among other purposes.
1 vote -
Improved file count interval in WebUI
I heard that it takes up to 24 hours to update the number of files.
When moving folders in Box, you may want to check the number of files immediately.
I want to be able to see the number of files in real time.
You can also add "update file count" in the folder menu.1 vote -
Create Shortcuts to Other Folders within Box
We would love to be able to create shortcuts to other related files within files in Box on the web. For an example, in windows file explorer, you can create a shortcut from someone's individual file and someone's business file.
5 votes -
We are planning to use Box as file storage of our members only page.
We need "Referrer" function to allow access to folders and files only from our members only website.1 vote -
Add visual indicators in UI mapped to metadata - in search results and preview
Problem: There is no visual way to differentiate content types. In the near future, customers will be mass categorizing content with metadata and there should be a way to add visual indicators mapped to certain metadata. That could be folder colors or icons mapped to certain metadata types.
For example - Use folder colors and metadata to visually organize types of content in Box UI.
Possible solutions would be Example: Some ECM customers used to keep personal and enterprise content separately. Personal content may have draft content similar to published enterprise versions of content, but not approved for use. Enterprise…
1 vote
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