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381 results found

  1. Notifications from Box Relay aren't very useful without linking back to the file or folder

    Relay is a great tool - but the Notifications aren't very useful. There is no way to link to the actual file or folder that is involved, so the user gets a very nebulous notification that is basically meaningless. Instead of being helpful, it could actually cause confusion for the user, if there are multiple activities happening at the same time.

    Please update this functionality! Thanks!

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  2. Add "Updated/Changed" File Event as a Trigger

    Add "Updated/Changed" File Event as a Trigger.

    Triggering a Relay on a specific file when it has been updated directly or updated with an upload, maintaining file history.

    The current workaround is to create a "New upload" Trigger, then the file needs to be Deleted and create/uploaded from new, thus requiring 2 steps and losing file history.

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  3. File request - Block upload of domains not on enterprise allowlisted domains

    For File Request where Enterprise requires user to login prior to submission, would like an additional security check for Enterprises that only allow for external collaboration from allowed domains as listed in the Enterprise console. If the domain is on the list then allow for file request upload, if domain is not on the allowlisted domains, block upload.

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  4. Relay Workflow period Allocations based on work days rather than natural days (i.e Exclude Weekends)

    When assigning a task in relay you can assign the period in days associated to the task. at This point in time this does not allow the option to assign such days to working days but only natural days. Therefore if and when a weekend occurs during the timeline of the workflow action weekend days (non-working days absorbs the task timeline. the request is that there must be an option to assign a task only for working days (excluding weekends)

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    not planned  ·  2 comments  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  5. Worflow Starter should be the assigner of tasks instead of the creator/owner of Relay Workflow.

    A relay workflow is created by one owner but used by several people. Since all the tasks are assigned by the workflow owner rather than the workflow starter, its confusing for assignees. E-mail and task notifications should show the workflow starter's name instead of the owner of workflow.

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  6. Relay:Users who have already been invited in a group will not be invited with "Invite assignees as Viewers/Editors"

    A new feature has been added to Relay called "Invite assignees as Virwers/Editors".
    "Invite assignees as Virwers/Editors" are sent to users who have already been invited in the group.
    This is confusing because additional invitations are carried out to users who have already been invited.
    Furthermore, operationally, this requires the collaboration to be removed from the relevant file each time.
    *As a company rule, we are not allowed to collaborate with individuals individually, except in groups to which they have been previously invited by Admin.

    Users who have already been invited to a group should not be invited.

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  7. Be able to specify a document or a shared link in “Send Notification” outcome

    It would be convenient if the “Send Notification” outcome had an option to specify a document or a shared link in the notification body.

    Right now it is only possible to input plain text.

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  8. Have Docusign integrated with Relay

    Use Relay+Docusign to manage contract approval process

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  9. We would like to be able to register a group in the Configure Relay even if the group's permission setting is not "Administrators only"

    Currently, when we try to register a group in the Relay configuration, we can register the group if the group's permission setting is "Administrators only", but not if the group's permission setting is "Company" or "Group Members".
    Registration location [Enterprise Settings > Content & Sharing > Configure Relay].
    We are using "Company" and "Group Member" as the permission setting for groups to be able to respond to group invitations, etc. outside of the management console, so we would like these permission settings to be able to be registered in the Configure Relay.



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  10. Ability to include the name of the triggered file in the subject line when sending Relay notifications

    We would like to be able to include the name of the triggered file in the subject line when sending Relay notifications.
    We want to be able to easily check which file the notification is for when the user who received the notification receives the notification email.
    When a user receives a notification email, I want to be able to easily check which file it is for.
    (In Japanese)

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  11. box relay shared link

    Using Box Relay, create the following new outcome: Based on a metadata value when stored on on a file or folder, create and share a web link to the email address(es) in the metadata value, with specified collaboration.

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  12. Ability to comment on Box Relay approval tasks

    Currently, there is no function to enter comments when executing approval tasks using Box Relay.
    We are currently using email and the Mention function, but this is inconvenient, so we would like to have the ability to enter comments at the time of approval or rejection.
    Having a comment when approving or rejecting a task will help us communicate with users, so we would appreciate it if you could add this as a feature.

    現在Box Relayを利用した承認タスク実施時に、コメントを記載する機能がありません。

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  13. When copying or moving a file via Relay, allow the file to overwrite an existing file of the same name as a version.

    If we have a locked down area for SOP type files, as the SOP is updated and approved, a Relay workflow moves the file into the published location. If the published file is the same name as an existing file, we would like to have the new file come in as a version of the prior file, not be named with the date-time stamp on it.

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  14. Relay: Involve external Users to a manual workflow as "not-owner" of the folder/file


    i discribe a situation:
    The Admin is the owner of all folders/files, directors has co-owner-rights and all employees are editors. It is similarly discribed in "Folder Structure Best Practices" under "Business Unit Drive"
    Now we invite some external users... not only the owner can invite them.
    Then we create some relays for specific folder, especially some manual ones, assign a task and set the Assignee to "Specify at startup"...not only the owner can do this.
    Last but not least we start the manual workflow and choose as Assignee an external user... but wait...ONLY the owner of the folder (1…

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  15. API for "CRUD" for Box Relay and Box Relay Lite

    We have created over a hundred of Relay workflows and have currently faced a difficulty in adjusting all rules when our orgnization is changed. We would like to have a set of APIs for Relay for creation, reference, update and delete operations (so called CRUD).

    Also we would like to have an way to update folder ID(s) on existing workflows. It would help so much especially when annual org change happens.

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  16. Allow service accounts to initiate Relay workflows via the Box API

    Allow service accounts to own and initiate Relay workflows via requests to the Box API

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  17. Allow the Admin to Set File Request requirements and default settings

    Allow admins to require all File Requests globally to have certain fields (like email address or a pre-populated description Box with a legal disclaimer) or settings

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  18. Ability to delete, transfer, and hide workflows created in Relay for accounts that have been deleted due to retirement, etc.

    Ability to delete, transfer, and hide workflows created in Relay for accounts that have been deleted due to retirement, etc.

    Currently, workflows created with a deleted account cannot be deleted or transferred, and the display remains, so in some cases, it may get in the way. I will.

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  19. Auto Delegation of task

    Allow user to set OOO (Out of office) and pick someone to auto delegate the task during his/her absence. This should delegate only tasks assigned directly to the user or if every member of a group is assigned a task. If the task is assigned to a group and marked as "Only 1 member from group to finish", then auto delegation should not happen.

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    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  20. Name in the notification email of Box Relay should be the initiator of a workflow rather than workflow owner/creator.

    Currently the name displyaed in the notification email of Box Relay is the name who owned/created the workflow.
    It's idal to be displayed Name of initiator of a workflow in the notification email especially in caseunspecified majority of people might launch the workflow by manual.
    Enabling the above feature makes it much easier to confirm user who start the flow.

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