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381 results found

  1. Metadata triggers without folder specification

    --I want Box Relay to be able to kick workstreams off in sub-folders that don't exist yet. We have a general "Accounts" folder, and I want my metadata tag triggers to affect sub folders in that parent folder. However, the metadata trigger requires me to specify which specific folder to trigger the Relay within. I suggest one of two things:
    1. Remove the need for folder specification. If I have a metadata trigger, do I really need to specify the folder in which the content lives? Relay should scan for that metadata tag, wherever it occurs.
    2. Allow for Relay…

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  2. Copy file from relay should version the target, not create a new file

    We have a release workflow, where documents are being copied to a shared environment after they have been approved. This works well for the first version of the document.

    However, if we change the document and send it through the approval process again, Box creates a new document at the target area. Box does NOT create a new version of the existing document.

    Since this process is really key to creating "Quality Managed" documentation, Box relay should offer to version an existing document. Defaulting to creating a new document, makes Box unusable for these kind of approvals.

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  3. Create Folder From Relay Folder Navigation View

    In order to create a Relay Workflow the folder structure has to already be in place. This is not always the case. It would be helpful to be able to create a folder from the Relay Folder Navigation view.

    For example: if I am creating a File Request flow, I navigate to Relay, start a new workflow, select my File Request trigger, and I want my first outcome to move the file to a folder.

    If that folder hasn't been created I need to cancel or navigate away from Relay back to my All Files, create the folder, go back…

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  4. Have and or logic to drive an outcome in Relay based on metadata values

    Having the ability to say if a metadata value = abc then create a folder with a standard naming convention derived from a metadata template, if not do not create a folder.

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  5. Create automated Relay against multiple folders

    Many times, there is a single automated workflow, e.g. from a file action or folder event, that actually applies across different folders in the structure.

    Today, we can only select one folder for the workflow and therefore have to duplicate the workflow multiple times if we want it to work in different places. Then, if the workflows needs updating, then it has to be done in multiple places, which isn't the best place use of time.

    It would be great if, in the workflow builder, if you can select more than folder for where the workflow should listen for the…

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  6. Relay: Invite external user at Manual Workflow start

    We have a manual start workflow where we want to collaborate a volunteer to a template folder where they need to fill out some forms and upload back to a Box folder. Relay does not seem to let the workflow starter enter the collaborator's email UNLESS they already exist as an external user.

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  7. I like automation; I would like to be able to pull data from different Google Sheets that are all located in my Box.

    In Google Drive, all the documents can be referenced to each other. For instance, I can pull data from one Google Sheet to another separate Google Sheet (using the IMPORTRANGE function). This function no longer works as it now says "spreadsheet cannot be found."

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  8. Admin Dashboard with visualizations of workflow stats

    Looking for additional visual methods for a project manager or process owner to access open Relay workflows/action items

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  9. Add option to cancel workflow

    Currently there is only delete option to stop the workflow.
    Workflows are stalled or stacked as in progress sometimes. We want to assign similar task manually or re-assign the same task to complete the workflow in time.
    But it will cause duplicated tasks assigned unexpectedly or file operation (move or copy etc.) is executed twice. This is very confusing.
    So we want to cancel the existing workflow before manual workaround.

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  10. Add “Do something after a certain period of time” option in outcome

    Accessing to some of our manual documents is strictly managed and we would like to delete these documents which are not effective anymore after a certain period of time (e.g. 1 day, 1 week, custom lengths etc.). If Relay is capable of this, we can streamline other systems that are currently implemented.

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  11. Time based relay tasks

    Support time based triggers in Relay. For example, 180 days after an item has been uploaded to a folder either delete the file or move it to another location.

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    not planned  ·  2 comments  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  12. Add more detailed information to Relay workflow tracking

    When viewing the tracking for an individual document progressing through a workflow, the task completion status is not granular enough to tell if any or no assignees have completed a task. For example: if there were four people required to approve a step, and three had approved, but the last person hadn't, this level of detail is only visible from the activity pane on the document, not from the tracking in Relay.

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  13. Include comments in workflow complete email

    Customer who uses Relay a lot for their AP/procurement process. People involved in the invoice approval process often leave comments in the workflow related to each job/invoice. Customer wants to see all of the comments associated with that approval workflow when they receive the email confirmation that the workflow is compete. That email confirmation is saved and they want the context that the comments provide included in that confirmation email.

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  14. Box Relay outcome to Apply Classification to a folder dynamically

    It would be helpful if Box Relay would have the ability to apply a classification to the folder where the workflow was triggered on dynamically as an outcome, which would also classify all content within that folder structure as well. This would allow applying classifications to the folder that a new file event trigger happened in for example, which would then flow classifications to all content and sub-folders in that folder structure.

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  15. Expand Capabilities for Adding External Collaborators to Relay Tasks/Notifications

    Currently, a user can only add an external collaborator to a Relay Task/Notification if the following are true -

    • The user owns the content
    • The user has added the external collaborator to content
    • The user has to have less than 5,000 external collaborators on items they own

    Many customers have a closed folder structure, where one admin user owns all content, so this admin user would be the only one who can create the workflow with external collaborators added to tasks/notifications. For large organizations especially, this is difficult to administer and maintain, so ideally even users who do not own…

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  16. Request to add a function that can delete the classification in Box Relay

    <Request to add a function that can delete the classification in Box Relay>
    We can change the Box shield classification in Box Relay, but we cannot delete the classification.
    The classification maintains the set classification even if we move or copy it, but in some cases we may want to change to the destination classification or delete the classification.
    Therefore, I would like you to add a function that can delete the classification.

    <Box Relayで分類を削除できる機能を追加して欲しい>
    現在、Box RelayでBox shieldの分類を変更することはできますが、分類を削除することは出来ません。

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  17. Make it possible to re-order outcomes in a flow

    Currently it is impossible to re-order outcomes in a flow. This makes it very hard to implement changes and maintain workflows. It would be very handy to be able to change the order of outcomes in a flow the same way it is possible to change order of flows in a workflow.

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  18. Template for publishing to specific groups in Box Relay

    The only templates in Relay are company templates and My Templates.
    Our company has templates that we want to publish for each group, so we would like you to provide the ability to publish templates to groups.
    (In Japanese)

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  19. Change a specification of the PST time given when conflicting item's name on Box Relay.

    Currently, no matter what timezone users/enterprise set in its settings, the PST timestamp will be added to the item's name when conflicting name on Relay.

    The specification will be changed to add the date and time depending on the user/enterprise settings.

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  20. File Request Timestamp

    File request duplicate timestamps:

    When we upload files with same file name via the file request link, time stamp will be automatically added to end of the file name in UTC+0000.

    We would like a way to select the timezone used to add the timestamp (maybe the timezone abbreviation can be specified at the end of the file name timestamp for when other collaborators view it)

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