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381 results found
Ability to start Box Relay workflow by selecting folder.
Currently, users are not able to start workflow by selecting folder. Customer store contract, project schedule worksheet, and project documents within a folder and like to move the folder to another folder.
10 votes -
Relay action: create Box note
From trigger, create a Box note from an existing template.
10 votes -
We want BoxRelay to work with the privileges of the user who actually started the workflow, not the user who created the workflow.
In the current specification, workflows in BoxRelay operate under the authority of the user who created the flow, not the user who executed the flow.
This causes confusion because there is a discrepancy with the actual operation performed. We would like to improve this so that Relay can correctly confirm who started the flow.【日本語】
これでは実際に行われた操作と齟齬があり混乱を招くため、フローを開始した人が誰なのか、Relay側で正しく確認できるよう改善を希望します。9 votes -
If the owner of a Box Relay workflow is a “Deleted User”, there needs to be a way to transfer the owner to an administrator.
After creating a workflow in Box Relay, there are cases where the owner of the workflow is deleted by a script, etc., but the owner remains as a “Deleted User”.
Need the ability to take over the workflow of a Box Relay that has become a “deleted user” to an administrator or other user.
This is because the workflow creator still has the owner rights, and even the system administrator cannot delete the workflow, so it remains as trash.
9 votes -
Approved on behalf of the person in charge or Force skipping
I strongly request the ability to be approved by another person or force skipping when the person in charge of the approval task is out of office in BOX Relay.
9 votes -
Box Relay - ability to share a folder to a group
In Box Relay it would be nice to be able to share a folder to a group and not only to users.
Entering all the members of the group one by one can be time consuming and over time the members of a group evolve, which means that the Box Relay settings have to be changed.9 votes -
Using Box Relay on Mobile
Box Relay's [manually initiated] workflow does not currently support mobile.
We would like Box Relay to be able to use mobile even more effectively.(In Japanese)
Box Relayの [手動で開始] ワークフローは、現在モバイルに対応していません。
モバイルを更に効果的に活用するためにBox Relayを利用できるようにしてほしい。9 votes -
Create Custom File Request links
Currently, today, you can create a file request link, which generates a 32 character alphaumeric string. I'd like the ability to create a custom URL (like I can with shared links) to make it easier to promote my file request links to my stakeholders and make them more rememberable.
These custom file request links could have mandated security attached to them, either enforcing these to be only available to links set to "Require Uploaders to log in to Box" or (not available today in the product), enforce adding a password to access the custom file request link (see additional idea…
9 votes -
Email File Request Link from Box
Add ability to email file request links directly from Box (similar to collaboration invites). This would allow customers to audit who sent out file request link/ when.
9 votes -
Conditional fields on File Request form
It'd be great to be able to have conditional fields in the File Request form so that certain fields are only exposed depending on the answer in the field(s) above.
9 votes -
File Request Action in Box Relay
A file request action on Folder in Relay that could automate generation of the File Request link and email it to a specified email address. Supporting automation of uploads from individuals without Box accounts.
9 votesAn integration between File Request and Relay was delivered this year. At the moment this programmatic generation of a link can be achieved with an API. An outcome type in Relay to generate a FR link is not yet planned.
Content Upload Automation Triggers A Prompt For Metadata
We would like a prompt to add metadata (required if possible) when content is uploaded and triggers a Relay workflow.
9 votes -
Relay admin should allow editing of relay flows
Users are confused when going into relay on the Admin dashboard vs. relay on the main toolbar in the user experience. Users should be able to edit relay flows when in the admin dashboard, or there should be clearer messages to users why they can't edit a relay flow in the admin. It leads users to create new workflows because they don't know where to edit the files.
8 votes -
Box Relay: Enable API's so that I can re-assign workflows and/or task ownership to another person
Box Relay: Enable API's so that I can re-assign workflows and/or task ownership to another person at scale.
E.g. if someone is on holiday, sick, or leaves the company, we want to use API's to group together all of their existing workflows and/or tasks, and transfer those to a new person.
8 votes -
Box Relay: Please enable the ability to group all owned workflows and/or assigned tasks from one person, and transfer them to a new person.
Box Relay: Please enable the ability to group all owned workflows and/or assigned tasks from one person, and transfer that group of workflows and/or tasks to a different person.
Today, I can transfer ownership of a single workflow or re-assign a single task from one person to another, but if someone goes on vacation, is sick, or leaves the company and they own multiple workflows or have multiple tasks assigned to them, then today we cannot group these together and transfer them all at once. Instead, we have to transfer workflow ownership and re-assign tasks one-by-one-by-one-by-one-by-one......
We have 1000's of…
8 votes -
"apply workflow to all subfolders" should be an option for every trigger
When using the "manual start" trigger of a workflow you can check a box that will apply the workflow to all subfolders. This would be useful for all triggers.
Currently I need to create 10+ duplicate work flows that are exactly the same, but applied to separate folders.
I am unable to use the "manual start" trigger because the workflow is most efficiently start by an external collaborator - and Box does not enable external collaborators to start manual workflows8 votes -
workflows that move files based on file contents or filename
The ability to have workflows that move files based on file contents or filename
8 votes -
Box Relay Signing Event Log and Completed Document filed seperately
Right now, you can create a Box Relay workflow to move/copy Just the Completed Signed document OR both the document and the log. It would be great to be able to also choose to manage the log seperatly too, so you could set up a Log folder to file them in a seperate location if you'd like, from the completed document.
7 votes -
Add a shared calendar feature within the platform.
My team has been using box for years. It is fantastic except for the lack of a shared calendar feature. It's very hard to understand why this hasn't been added yet. Users have been asking for it for YEARS, and it can't be much more complex than a box note.
We despise Google and are not all on Outlook, and I know our team is not alone in this. All we want is a simple shared calendar within the platform.
7 votes -
Allow HTML Tags in the text of "Send Notification" action in BoxRelay
Currently, the text entered in the subject and message fields of BoxRelay's "Send Notification" action is sent as is, but if HTML tags could be used, it would not only make it possible to use shared links in email notifications, such as "Please check [approved folder (hyperlink)]," but also expand the amount of information in notifications.
現状BoxRelayの「通知の送信」アクションで件名およびメッセージ欄に入力されたものが、そのまま送信されますが、HTMLタグを使用できれば、メール通知で「[承認済みのフォルダ(ハイパーリンク)]を確認ください」といったような共有リンクを用いた表現が可能となる他、通知における情報量の幅が広がるため改善を希望します。7 votes
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