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229 results found
alert to administrators and users who move files before 1TB/month/person.
If we move 1TB/person/month to Box or out of Box, we will not be able to use all of Box without issuing any alerts in advance, but we would like you to send an alert to administrators and users in advance so that we can prevent them from exceeding it.
1 vote -
File Open Integrations
When opening a file using Excel Online, it opens in a new tab in the browser. This new tab has no Forward or Back sites available which allows for easy navigation of the spreadsheet when using a trackpad.
However, when you do the same thing for a Google Sheet, it opens in the same tab as the Box folders. That means the site has Back options. This makes it incredibly difficult to navigate the spreadsheet when using a trackpad.
Can we have some consistency with the file integrations?
1 vote -
Add additional_info data to all events to include service_id
Currently, many events do not include the additionalinfo fields, in particular the serviceid field. This makes it difficult for organizations with many applications to track which of these applications are making the calls.
Here are the events missing this information:
1 vote -
Compress to zip format on Box web
To compress a file or folder on Box, you must download it first.
I wish there was a way to compress files directly from Box Web without having to download them.(in Japanese)
Box web上でzip形式に圧縮する
Box上にあるファイルやフォルダを圧縮するためには一度ダウンロードしなくてはいけない。ダウンロードしなくても、Box Web上から直接圧縮できるようにしてほしい。4 votes -
Enable File Upload Notifications Programmatically
Ability to turn on File Upload Notifications when programmatically creating a File Request.
This update allows users to do this manually but the API cannot turn on these notifications. vote -
To allow admin not to use the SSO while the feature is enabled. Currently, the SSO login feature applies to all users including admin
To allow admin not to use the SSO while the feature is enabled. Currently, the SSO login feature applies to all users including admin
1 vote -
Smart Card support for MFA
Provide support for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Smart Cards to be used for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This is a desirable feature for DoD personnel who utilize Common Access Cards (CACs).
2 votes -
Dataroom Indexing
Similar to other virtual dataroom software solutions, should be able to autoindex files. This is a very basic capability that other solutions like Egnyte, Firmex and Sharefile are able to do. The reason this is important is so that you can direct an external party to look for a file at a specific index/location such as See below for FAQ with document indexing for Egnyte and Sharefile.
2 votes -
FTP - Root Level Access
When connecting to Box via FTP you are logged into a session that is specific to your user account even if you are the Box administrator. In standard FTP server administration practice you can set which directory a user is dumped into upon login. There should be an administrator level setting that can be enabled to choose at which level the Admin account gets logged into, in this case the FTP root.
Currently when logging into Box FTP via Admin account you are defaulted to \\Users\Admin and do not have permissions to jump up a directory to \\Users
You should…
1 vote -
Add a new security level of "Restrict"
I understand the current security levels may once have reflected some technical details e.g. the permissions that might be assigned in a particular file system. However, this could be enhanced by a new security level ("Forbidden", "Excluded", "Restrict" or whatever makes sense) that is applied by exception.
A simple example:
Folder "News" has All Company as viewers.
Group "Contractors" are invited as "Restrict" access.
Whenever any user seeks access e.g. viewing the contents of the folder that contains folder "News", they will of course inherit the permissions from the parent, but before being allowed to see "News" Box first checks…
1 vote -
The login page I land on does not have an SSO option.
There is no SSO login button on the login page that I land on when sent there from a SLACK link.
Every login page, no matter how I am sent to it, should have identical functionality! Basic coding practice says a feature should be implemented once, and used everywhere. I need to login with SSO. I need the SSO login button on EVERY login page I may be presented.
As a WORKAROUND, I need to remember I need to use SSO, then manually go to another random login page and use the SSO there to get a token .1 vote -
Setting Folder Autodelete via API
The automatic deletion date of a folder can be set from the web screen, but it seems that it cannot be set from the API.
Could you please provide the ability to set this date from the API?
We have a process that automatically creates thousands of folders using the API, but since it is not possible to set an automatic deletion date, a large number of past folders will continue to remain.
53 votes -
Locating who/when files are Moved/Removed (accidentally or on purpose)
If a user moves/renames/removes files, the URLs shouldn't simply be dead links now. Please record information so that impacted users know When the file was moved/removed, and WHO did the action.
I recently had Box Notes and Folders get moved or removed. And while I know who SHOULD have been the owner of the content, anyone else having problems finding the content wouldn't know who to contact.
So if a box link was previously valid, and that content has moved or removed, leaving some breadcrumb for the user, about who to contact, when the content was moved/removed, etc, can help…1 vote -
Progress Bar when uploading and restoring
Is there any progress bar or any visible information where we can know the progress of tasks being run? For example, I wanted to recover a 200gb folder. It took a long time to find the data that needed to be restored. This is a similar thing when uploading files onto Box onto the web app. There is a progress bar but when a user goes to a new page it disappears and it is still running in the background
1 vote -
Same editing functions across BOX
Ability to use the same shortcuts both in file view and desktop view. Ability to modify tool bar and create custom shortcuts.
1 vote -
zip file decompression function
Zip files cannot currently be unzipped in Box.
We would like to add additional functionality because it would reduce the risk of virus infection and improve user convenience by allowing users to unzip Zip files in Box without downloading them.
It would be even better if you could also support Zip files with passwords.11 votes -
Separate folder move and copy function
As far as i understand, the move and copy folder function in Box Web is combined from a role perspective. That means a user must have Co-Owner rights to move a folder but also to copy a folder. I agree that moving a folder means deleting the folder on the source location which may need elevated role. But copying a folder only needs read access on the source folder. So it would be great to separate these two functions and make the copy function available to users who have editor role on the target folder and have at least previewer…
1 vote -
Movement between Tenant
Currently when you make a movement between a Box tenant, based on Folder and File, the behaviour is different.
Folder: it will be an error
File: it will be moved without any messageI would like it to be error for Files movement and also copying too.
1 vote -
Get Rid of Waterfall Permissions - Allow Subfolder Security To Be Set Differently
It is absolutely ridiculous that a company as large as Box is using waterfall permissions for all enterprise accounts.
In a business environment, it is absolutely necessary to be able to set specific permissions on subfolders within a large data folder that all users have access to. This is a simple feature included with every other cloud file provider we've ever used.
Needs to be included ASAP.
21 votesHi, I am a Product Manager for Box's File System, I am looking for real world examples from your business needs where the waterfall permissions doesnt work. The more elaborate the example is the better it will be. Would you be willing to share?
Alias files/ links to files
Oftentimes, a file has more than just one "right place" within a folder structure.
For example, if you have a folder for the HR-department and a folder for the legal-team, both teams need to access the subfolder "employment contracts".
On local Windows Explorer or Apple Finder it is possible to create alias-files that link to the "main-file", so you can access a file from multiple locations.
Such a feature is not available in Box. Since it is cruicial for files that needs to be accessed from different locations/ teams, I am asking you to implement this feature.Thank you!
3 votes
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