Need Tags in Mac Finder to be Supported in Box Drive
After installing Box Drive, you have to re-tag all of your folders in Finder. As if that is not annoying enough, the folders you tag (colored circles) don't show up when you click on the tags in the sidebar of Finder. Bottom line, Box Drive needs to support Tags in Mac OS' finder just like the Box Sync did.

Anonymous commented
absolutely essential
Anonymous commented
This would be a great improvement.
Anonymous commented
This feature is absolutely essential to our workflow. Please escalate!
Anonymous commented
Tagging is essential to staying organized. I thought organization was a priority for Box. I'm here to voice my displeasure. We don't use colored dots just because they look cute. We need this feature back.
Anonymous commented
I pay good money annually for my small business to use Box. In the year 2022, Box needs to support macOS tags. Period.
Tags are stored in the metadata of a macOS file or folder. That is why tags are portable to other Mac computers. (macOS tags also work across iOS and iPadOS.) If tags are portable to other computers, then Box should be able to support transferring and storing this metadata!
Anonymous commented
Currently you can't tag files in finder. If you tag a file, the tag persists for 1-2 seconds then disappears. On top of that, Box lets you tag files in the Web browser, do those tags show up in Finder? NO, tags created on are useless in finder, only work for in browser use of Box. Does the Box Drive App on Mac find folders or files that have the tag that was created on Surely it would show up there even if it didnt on finder... also wrong Box app is not able to provide files when searching the tag.
Tags in finder should show up online and should persist throughout the organization. If box's developers aren't smart enough to make that happen when competitors can then at a MINIMUM The Box App should be upgraded/overhauled to serve as a file explorer /manager that actually makes use of the Tags users can create on This would also help fix a lot of the issues that box causes/encounters by relying solely on Finder or File Explorer ( like Favorites disappearing from the side bar for example)
I have used Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Tresorit, and Box in professional capacities and Box by far has the highest amount of basic features missing paired with developers/forum admins that cant seem to fathom real world customers having real world issues that Box did not anticipate. Box needs to step it up...
Anonymous commented
I guess they're not going to fix this issue with the colored tags. The original post was from May 2019, and now we're in May 2022. I'll just move all my files to Dropbox. Much more user-friendly and I don't have as many syncing issues either.
Anonymous commented
I think at Box they have no clue at all about how frustrating it is to lose functionality in an app.
Starting to look for alternatives. But at Box they know very well that it is not easy to change an app used by 20+ people. That is what they are counting on ...
So sad to see this happen in a company I really believed in for years.
Hendrik Roos -
Anonymous commented
For what it's worth, Dropbox mac app does support this so it is possible to access the meta attributes macos uses for tags. It just seems like Box is not implementing it for some reason... Might be the nail in the coffin that finally pushes me to move everything to dropbox.
Anonymous commented
This is ridiculous. You've got to fix this.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Glad to see i am not the only one asking for this to come back! Its an absolute nightmare without it.
Anonymous commented
This is such an important feature to have for designers or users who need to use the colored dots to identify files on the Mac. PLEASE BRING THIS FEATURE BACK!!!!!!!!!
Jon Little commented
I'm just here to voice my support for adding Apple tags to items in Box. It's a quick way to mark items that are done or needing work or for grouping items on the fly.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE!!!! Can we get the tags back? I have a hard time managing all of our creative projects without the tags to organize. If this doesn't get solved soon, I'll be moving all of our projects over to Dropbox.
If this is an Apple issue (as stated in a previous post), then your company should be teaming up with Apple to solve the problem. Stop pushing the issues on the users to do the runaround work - solve the problem.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE!!!! Can we get the tags back? I have a hard time managing all of our creative projects without the tags to organize. If this doesn't get solved soon, I'll be moving all of our projects over to Dropbox.
If this is an Apple issue (as stated in a previous post), then your company should be teaming up with Apple to solve the problem. Stop pushing the issues on the users to do the runaround work - solve the problem.
Johannes von Niederh隔sern commented
In earlier versions of Box Drive, adding tags was still possible, at least for individual users. In newer versions (or newer versions of MacOs), the tags disappear right away when you try to add them. Please bring back the tagging option.
Anonymous commented
Up till now I was able to use Box in a way that I could use MacOS Finder tags with colours to make a personal planning for my work.
Apparently that is no longer possible with Box Drive (2.23 and 2.24).
This is a major set back for my use of Box.
Why is this no longer possible?Response from Box:
Thank you for reaching Box Product Support. Allow me to assist you from here.
As per the Finder Tags, Box doesn't have the control over this feature. Please reach out to Apple for further assistance,
MarkWent trough a lot of discussions with Apple support, and their response was that the issue lies with Box drive...
What is really happening here ?
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I installed MacOS 12 Monterey and upgraded Box. Now the tags no longer work for any Box drive files. I REALLY need this feature as I manage all of our team projects and this is how I sort for priority. Please, please, please fix quickly!