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9062 results found
Allow the admin to change the user addresses to upper case letters
Currently you cannot change user addresses if you are only changing the letter cases
JOHNDOE@box.comBox will treat these emails as the same address and will not send a confirmation email to the user.
0 votesThank you for your submission. However, this does not have enough demand in order to be prioritized.
We will reconsider with additional use cases and demand.
Support Routing to 2 (Or More) Proxies for Network Traffic
Currently Box Sync only supports routing traffic through 1 proxy (identified via leveraging the PAC file on the computer)
We have advanced network traffic routing schemes in place and need the ability to route Box traffic selectively to 2 (or more) proxies based on:
-Bandwidth/volume of traffic (i.e., routing uploads/downloads through a different proxy than all other Box traffic)
-Security (i.e., monitoring and visibility requirements for some traffic but not other traffic)
0 votesWe have no feature work planned for Box Sync.
0 votes
Thank you for your submission. However, this does not have enough demand in order to be prioritized.
0 votes
Thank you for your submission. However, this does not have enough demand in order to be prioritized.
0 votes
This is an interesting feature! However, it is for power users and does not have enough demand or impact in order to be prioritized.
We will reconsider with additional feedback.
Only allow owners & co-owners to share links outside of the collaborator permissions they themselves control
There is currently no ability to allow owners/co-owners of a folder to send open links, when the global enterprise settings are set to restrict sharing: 'People in this Folder'
0 votesThis is an interesting feature! However, it does not have enough demand in order to be prioritized. We will reconsider with additional feedback.
Remove restrict files sharing within Folder Settings
We would like to remove a folder setting option that restricts sharing for files only or folders only
0 votesThis is an interesting feature! However, it does not have enough demand in order to be prioritized. We will reconsider with additional feedback.
Open Link ability - single access
We would like to make a link that forces a person to login (i.e. related to previous feedback submission) and then have a link expire for that person after one access (one click of the link).
0 votesThis is an interesting feature! However, it does not have enough demand in order to be prioritized. We will reconsider with additional feedback.
0 votes
Thanks for the submission. I’m not sure we understand the user problem. Please add your feedback in the comments and we will reconsider.
0 votes
0 votes
Thanks for the submission. I’m not sure we understand the user problem. Please add your feedback in the comments and we will reconsider.
Adjust the Get Info button to pull from the properties of a Box Link vs from the HTML Header tag information
This would be much more user friendly (and expected) for the proper data to populate when clicking Get Info if the hyperlink is a shared link.
We are mostly requesting that the folder name as a bookmark populates.
0 votesThis is an interesting feature! However, it does not have enough demand or impact in order to be prioritized. We will reconsider with additional demand.
Only allow managed users/collaborators of an enterprise to log into customized login page
Ideally, users who use their subdomains to login should be our collaborators and users only.
0 votesThank you for your note! This is a relatively narrow use case. We will reconsider with additional customer demand.
Add visible extension on the download icon of the folder
0 votesThis is of limited value to a majority of our users.
Remove all Collaborators from Folder
We have a commonly changing set of external collaborators that need to be in a folder. This list may change every week or every month. Some of the folders may have large numbers of collaborators and there is no way to bump them all out if needed other than removing the folder completely.
0 votesThis currently seems like a much more narrow use case than the other requests we have gotten so it will not be prioritized in the short term.
We will reconsider with additional use cases and customer demand.
Insert/sync metadata from Office DIP (Document Information Profile) to Box
Microsoft Office products have a Document Information Profile (aka the DIP) which allows users to add custom metadata to a file under the "info" section when a file is opened or being edited. WE would like Box to be able to identify this information and insert it into the metadata fields in Box.
0 votesInteresting proposal! We will reconsider this with additional customer demand.
Checklists - Auto-Check Indented Checklists when Parent is Checked
In a Box Notes checklist, if there are indented lines, have them auto-check when the parent line is checked.
0 votesInteresting feedback. Not planned, but good to keep in mind when we improve checkboxes and the editor in the future.
0 votes
In this case, the file is actually edited, so it is difficult under the current model to provide read-only access but still allow that user to sign.
0 votes
Thank you for the feedback! This is not prioritized on our Mobile roadmap.
0 votes
If you are logged out of the Box app, you will have to re-save all your content for offline.
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