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35 results found

  1. 0 votes
  2. Specify proxy information in BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection

    In the Box Java SDK, the BoxDeveloperEditionAPIConnection methods do not support specifying proxy information like the BoxAPIConnection methods do.

    This makes them impossible to use in a corporate environment where proxy information must be set.

    It would be nice if the SDK could be updated to support that so we do not have to fork the SDK and add in the logic ourselves.

    0 votes
  3. File Picker: Add Ability to Search

    As of 2016, the Box File Picker does not allow the user to search within their account, which is a bad user experience.

    REQUEST: Add a simple search field to the standard Box file picker

    0 votes
  4. Allow documents (Word, PowerPoint, txt) to be downloaded as PDF

    Documents can only be downloaded via the Box Content API in their original format. It's sometimes desired to download a file directly in PDF, which reduces the size of the file.

    0 votes
  5. 0 votes
  6. Add all webhooks v2 event triggers to the Java SDK

    It's currently unclear whether all event triggers listed in developer docs are supported, as the Java SDK does not specifically list them:

    0 votes
  7. 0 votes
  8. App Users Auth implemented in Android SDK

    Parity with App Users Auth support already present in iOS SDK

    0 votes
  9. Add As-User support to the Java SDK

    A GitHub issue exists for this but no updates have been added since the issue was created in 2015:

    0 votes
  10. File Picker: Custom file picker location default

    When using the file picker from within our application, the User has already selected a Customer to process and I have a folder ID for that Customer. I would like them to be directed directly to this folder when they log into Box through our application.

    0 votes
  11. Provide a way to delete or rename (API name) a metadata key

    Once a mistake is made when creating a metadata template or key there is no way to delete the content. This poses a serious issue for developers especially if their code manages multiple EIDs. If a mistake is made, application code must be altered which is more difficult than being able to delete a key.

    Having the ability to create templates via the API is not a real solution as one could always make a mistake in their template creation code.

    3 votes
  12. 1 vote
  13. 1 vote
  14. Limit/Offset Default/Maximum values

    Values missing for the following:

    b) Get Memberships for User
    d) Folder Collaborations
    e) Get Groups for an Enterprise
    f) Get Memberships for Group
    g) Get Collaborations for Group
    i) Folder Collaborations

    0 votes
  15. Add "FOLDER.TRASHED" event trigger to Webhooks v2

    The existing event trigger "FOLDER.DELETED" only triggers a notification when a folder is permanently removed (deleted from Trash). Currently, there is no option to receive a webhook notification if a folder is sent to the trash. "FOLDER.MOVE" does not capture this action either.

    0 votes
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