I will echo the community. We NEED Box Drive to have a NATIVE Arm version!
I'm an IT Professional working at a major university, where we have relied on Box for many years. As laptop and Surface technology moves to Windows ARM, we need a native application to install on our user base. Not having Box Drive is just more than a simple inconvenience, it forces IT Administrators (me!) and users to find practical solutions for their every day use. We are starting seeing users "go wild" and use other cloud based storage solutions.
I will echo the community. We NEED Box Drive to have a NATIVE Arm version!
I'm an IT Professional working at a major university, where we have relied on Box for many years. As laptop and Surface technology moves to Windows ARM, we need a native application to install on our user base. Not having Box Drive is just more than a simple inconvenience, it forces IT Administrators (me!) and users to find practical solutions for their every day use. We are starting seeing users "go wild" and use other cloud based storage solutions.