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2661 results found

  1. Enhanced Locking Experience on Sync (mimic file server experience) - Auto-Lock & Unlock

    Adapt the Box Sync / Box for Desktop lock/unlock experience to mimic the standard locking UX that users are familiar with from Windows file servers.
    Example screenshot from file server UX:

    Key Components:
    -Pop-up upon double-clicking a file to ask user if they'd like to check out (lock) a file or open a read-only version
    -Auto-unlock upon closing the file

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    1 comment  ·  Box Sync  ·  Admin →
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  2. Automatically Lock & Unlock when editing from Web App using Box Edit

    CURRENT UX: User must remember to manually lock and unlock each file once done editing, which is a subpar experience for the user.

    DESIRED UX: When using 'open with' via the webapp (Box Edit), the file is auto-locked (via a prompt), and when the user closes out of the file, it is automatically unlocked.

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    We understand the request, but unfortunately this is not on the near-term roadmap. We are currently prioritizing automatically locking/unlocking files on Box Drive for Office files on Windows. We will revisit this feature in the future.

  3. Ability to Suppress Login Screen from Popping Up

    Often times customers want to deploy the Box desktop apps, including Box Sync, prior to users actually being able to log in and create their accounts. Currently, Box Sync auto-starts upon startup to a user's computer, which causes the Box Sync login window to constantly appear.

    This request is to provide a simple way for admins deploying the apps to suppress that login page until a later point in time.

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  4. 28 votes

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    not planned  ·  Anonymous responded

    This is technical not feasible. Microsoft has not enabled the APIs that we need to leverage on mac.

  5. Bulk Delete (Delete 2 or more users at once)

    Add a native Bulk Delete tool on the Users tab of the Admin Console to complement the existing Bulk Add and Bulk Edit tools that we already have.

    Key Asks:
    1. Use a similar Excel sheet as the Bulk Add/Bulk Edit tool
    2. Ability to have a column with the user email to be deleted
    3. A column to choose who to automatically transfer the user's content to (the spreadsheet version of the existing Delete & Transfer UI that we have)
    4. Columns to choose whether to notify each user (the user being deleted and the user receiving the deleted…

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    not planned  ·  katiele responded

    We are not planning releasing bulk delete functionality at this time since we are focusing our efforts on building faster and more usable users pages. We will revisit this feature request next year.

  6. New 'Limited' Content Manager Permission - No ability to preview or download files/folders

    A new co-admin option that's more even more restrictive than the current 'View users' content' Content Manager role with the following abilities:

    --View users (like currently possible)
    --Browse user folder trees (like currently possible)
    --View file properties (uploaded, version #, modified, name, description, etc.)
    --View collaborators on folders and add new collaborators to folders
    --NO ability to preview or download files or folders (this is the critical item that's missing currently for Coke as even the 'view' Content Manager role currently allows the co-admin to preview and download files/folders)

    This could possibly also be solved by breaking up the Content…

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  7. Merge Users - Ability to Merge 2 or More Accounts Into 1

    A 'merge users' feature would help with the initial administrative burden of cleaning up existing accounts.

    Key asks:
    --The ability to choose 2 or more Managed Users in Box to merge
    --The ability to choose which email becomes the primary email for the user (thus which account will become the owner of the other account's owned content)
    --The ability to choose whether demoted emails should be retained as email aliases or simply removed from the user's (updated) profile
    --The ability to choose whether existing collaborations on externally-owned folders are retained (meaning account 2 is invited into an external folder, when…

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    not planned  ·  katiele responded

    We are currently re-designing our managed users page for performance and usability updates which will be released at the end of this year. We will revisit newer features to user management after we release our new UI. In the meantime, please add your use cases in the comments so we can have this feedback when we decide to pick this up.

  8. The ability to schedule when Sync updates files/folders

    Our user would like to be able to sync content only when they need to, to reduce their memory usage throughout the day when they are working.

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  9. Allow special characters within Box Bookmarks

    Allow URLs to contain special characters when creating Bookmarks within Box

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    not planned  ·  vlarco responded

    This is not planned for our near or long term roadmap. We will reconsider with added use cases and/or customer demand.

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    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  11. 27 votes

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  12. 0 votes

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    not planned  ·  vlarco responded

    We would need to do additional discovery before prioritizing this request.

    Why would a user be provisioned and blocked?
    How often does this happen?
    How do customers deal with this today?
    How many customers have this issue?

  13. Ability to block or hide certain Groups from all other users when selecting names or groups to share content

    For example, Group A is Executives only so Admin wouldn't want another non-exec user to see that Group name when selecting collaborators.

    Not a high priority issue, but one use case is for HIPPA bound groups.

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    not planned  ·  vlarco responded

    Thank you for this suggestion. This is a resource-intensive feature which is not prioritized for our current roadmap.

  14. Detection and blocking of distribution lists

    We use many distribution lists to communicate.

    Technically, Box does not stop you from adding a distribution list email as a collaborator to a folder. All members of the list get email notifications but access to the folder is not granted to anyone on the list. This is expected.

    This suggestion is merely a protection measure that can be addressed by user education, so it may have a low impact.

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    not planned  ·  vlarco responded

    This is an interesting request and likely something we should look into for future improvements to how we handle distribution lists.

    Because there’s a workaround and we have higher impact requests, we will table this suggestion for now.

  15. Break waterfall permissions

    Allow for restricted permissions within a shared folder (so permissions are not inherited from the parent folder)

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  16. 10 votes

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    not planned  ·  kwarudkar responded

    This proposed enhancement to email notifications and to custom branding is a reasonable idea, but an area that we are unlikely to invest in this year.

  17. Export Groups - Add an 'Export Groups' Button to Groups Summary Page & Individual Group Page

    There is currently no way for admins to export a report (xlsx) of their Groups - whether at the summary Groups level or at the individual Group level

    This is problematic for companies that have pages and pages of Groups in the Admin Console, or want to manage just one group (as the current Export Users report from the Users page - the only place any Group info IS currently exported - exports ALL users in an EID, which is overload).

    REQUEST 1: Groups Summary Export - Desired Columns:
    1 Row per Group / Mirror the Columns on the Groups

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  18. 4 votes

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