Consistent data size output from folder and file report
Editor permissions without delete function
Allow End Users to run a Collaborations Report for Content they Own
Target users for EMM mobile clients · not planned
Save a Search Query as a Collection
Integrate with Excel Power Query to allow users to import data from files saved to Box · not planned
Consistent TimeZone Reporting
Expose Metadata (EXIF, Codec, Duration, DPI, Resolution, Rating, etc.) with a "Properties" or "Get Info" like appraoch
Add the ITEM ID to the User Activity report (when activity is against a file or folder) in order to join to Files and Folder report on ID · delivered
Remove classification and move data to a different classification
Clarity on sources used to provide AI responses within Hubs
Ability to see the output period of the report expanded.
Ability to tag groups
Improve performance when performing content search queries in admin console
Exact search queries using quotes should not include wildcards
NetSuite move folder contents and link when converting lead-prospect-customer
Box Shuttle should allow Box as one of the source systems to migrate from
Set values for "external_app_user_id" of Managed Users
We want to be able to filter by specific metadata template and attribute value at user activity.
Make 2FA via SMS in Box Sign the First Step, Not Last · under consideration