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99 results found
FTP not available to external users for Enterprise accounts.
Currently FTP for Box is only available to Business and Enterprise accounts for bulk migration of data. It is not available for Personal accounts (Free or Pro).
This is problematic for Enterprise users that have external vendors, partners, customers (collaborators) that need to upload a large data set to their Enterprise account through FTP.
Since these external collaborators are Free users, they do not have access to FTP but are still collaborating with us.
REQUEST: Add support for FTP uploads for external collaborators that are specifically collaborating with a paying Enterprise Box account?
8 votesThis is not currently planned. We will reconsider this with additional demand.
Fix Illegal Characters Automatically When Uploading Via FTP
FTP uploads currently allow illegal filenames or unsupported characters in filenames. This triggers sync and file errors in Box Drive.
7 votesThank you for your request. However, this is not something we will be focusing on this year. We will revisit this with additional demand.
7 votes
Ability to white label the url from [company] to box.[company].com to see white clients have blocked box
Some of our clients office networks (law firms) block and because of browser cross site restrictions, they can't actually tell it's being blocked so its difficult to handle smoothly
7 votesNot planned at this time. We will revisit this with additional demand.
Enable SSO through OAuth2 and not only SAML 2.0
We use an in-house IdP. This IdP leverages OAuth2 OpenID. It does not use SAML 2.0
Therefore we need Box to have the capability to enable SSO through OAuth2 and not only SAML 2.0
6 votes -
6 votes
The ability to have data residency for China to meet "The Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China"
The ability to have data residency for China to meet "The Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China"
5 votes -
Single File Collaboration - Preview Permission
The current implementation of Single File Collaboration is lacking the Preview permission.
As organizations transition to the single file model, the functionality should align to the folder permission model as closely as possible to maintain ease of use and consistency within the application.
The current behavior is to set the permission to Editor and require the user to navigate to multiple windows to downgrade rights to Viewer. The Viewer role still allows content to be downloaded to a local machine.
We request Preview rights so that functionality like Watermarking can still be leveraged and to minimize data spillage.
5 votes -
Standardize or lock down naming conventions
The ability to set restrictions on file naming conventions would greatly help admins query their data.
5 votes -
Trashed items: include details about the deleter
When a user makes a GET call for all trashed items, the response does not include details (name/user ID) of the user who trashed each item. This is inconsistent with the Web App view of a user's trash. The Web App view includes the name of the item deleter.
5 votes -
Receive notification when transfer of content is completed
When deleting and transferring content to another user and an error is thrown, it is not clear to the user when all the content has successfully been moved due to the error message thrown.
We would like to know when all the content has finally completed so we can delete the user without any concerns.
5 votes -
5 votes
Shared link default permission at the folder level
An option to have newly-created folders and documents inherit the folder sharing permissions of its parent folder.
5 votes -
Ability to enable or disable "Automatically accept collaboration invitation" through API
We want to govern collaboration policies and disable this option through API
4 votes -
4 votes
Would you provide additional detail? The request looks like a mix of a few different concepts. Seems unlikely we will have an API that returns everything as asked.
Can you potentially break these down? Seems the get subfolders request could be considered.
Ability to set different permissions based on where the user is accessing from (i.e. either from inside or outside of the company network)
We want the ability to control permission based on where the user is accessing from. For example, if the user accesses from inside the company network (IP range) they shall have editor permission. But if user accesses from outside, they shall have preview only permission.
4 votes -
Bring back WebDav support
Please bring back WebDav support. It had better performance than Box Drive or Sync and was easier to setup for Linux or Windows.
3 votes -
Event Stream for move events wants both current parent and past parent folder IDs
After a user does a move for a folder or file, admin event logs stream should show the past and current folder IDs the item lived in.
3 votesThis would be valuable but is not currently planned.
Ability to adjust the search string, while maintaining the current set of filtering criteria.
As users are searching and adjusting advanced search filters many of times they realize they need to adjust the original search request, and this can be quite cumbersome when they have to repeat the advanced search filter settings.
3 votes -
Shared Links - Ability to Have Multiple Shared Links per Item (Folder/File)
Currently, Box's shared link system is a 1:1 ratio between items (files/folders) and shared links, meaning there's 1 shared link per item.
However, there are various scenarios where users would like to have the ability to create multiple shared links per item, each link with different permissions, etc.
Example Use Case: For File A...
--I want one 'people with the link' link with a password added and an auto-expiration set for 10 days from today so that I can share this link to time-sensitive content externally
--I also want a persistent 'people in your company' link that my internal colleagues…3 votes
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