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39 results found

  1. Allow dynamic links to work in watermarked documents

    We want internal employees to be able to click into links but also prevent downloads and track who iss accessing the PDF

    3 votes
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  2. Make Classification One- Step/Right click for end users

    Governance + Webapp

    We would like to have a simpler way of adding classifications. Currently, users have to click into the document, then click details, then add classification tag on the bottom. We would like to have a simpler way such as adding Box Governance options to the "More Options" drop down menu

    5 votes
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  3. Maintain resolution of watermarked content.

    Both previewed/downloaded watermarked files are difficult to view due to resolution degradation

    7 votes
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  4. 3 votes
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  5. Set Classification at a folder level and have files inherit that Classification

    Folder level Classification - ability to assign a classification at the folder level so that any file that hits the folder or sub-folders will inherit that classification.

    49 votes
    delivered  ·  5 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
  6. 48 votes
    26 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
  7. 73 votes
    4 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
  8. 2 votes
    0 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
  9. Allow MFA via phone call

    Users who cannot receive SMS messages to their mobile phones should have an alternative to secure their accounts.

    2 votes
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  10. Open Shared Link Controls: 'Auto-Expiration' to Only Impact Open Links ('People with the link' links)

    Currently, the Auto-Expiration setting for Shared Links, if enabled, applies to ALL shared links regardless of whether they're set to people with the link, people in your company, or people in the folder.

    28 votes
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  11. 8 votes
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  12. Multi-Factor Authentication for SSO required

    We would like to be able to issue Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in addition to SSO required and for specific groups like external collaborators, contractors, and remote employees

    5 votes
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    The option to require 2FA for external collaborators has been delivered earlier this year. This feature, while independent from the SSO configuration should answer to the original ask.

  13. 0 votes
    1 comment  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
  14. 0 votes
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    delivered  ·  jpeng responded

    We have added events for:

    1. When a user fails a device trust check
    2. What checks they failed in the details

  15. Improve Certificate Checking & Rotation Process

    1. Proper certificate hygiene includes frequent rotation of certificates. In a large fleet of devices this may not be something that can be done instantly, so there should be a more flexible way to define what is trusted other than a single cert.

    2. A generic cert can easily be copied from one device to another allowing a clever use to spoof the check on an unmanaged device.

    5 votes
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  16. 1 vote
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    delivered  ·  rbalakrishnan responded

    This capability is already available by selecting “Files Only” in “Enable external links to”. Selecting this option will disable external folder sharing but allow external files sharing.

  17. 1 vote
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  18. 1 vote
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  19. Allow administrative "As-User' calls to bypass steps that require user intervention, such as accepting Custom Terms of Service.

    As-User calls made by an admin, on behalf of the user, should not require any end user interaction to work. This supports API driven administration prior to making Box available to end users, which is common when deploying at scale or performing data migrations.

    In particular, non-acceptance of Custom Terms of Service and Uncompleted Email Verification currently cause such calls to fail until the end user takes action to complete them.

    makes the migration process overly complex.

    7 votes
    0 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →

    Great feedback. Currently, there is no Email Verification required today for app users, and we do have a Terms of Service API:

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