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9 results found

  1. Add a report that lists metadata set for folders and files.

    There are many metadata templates, and each users can set them.
    In this situation, being able to see in lists what metadatas are actually applied to which files/folders and what values ​​are set can be very helpful in managing contents and metadata.

    102 votes
    8 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →
  2. Metadata Cascading with Overwrite does not update but deletes and creates Metadata Instances

    The request here is for box to update the current metadata instance object if already exists on a file/folder instead of deleting and creating new instance when cascading policy with overwrite is applied to a folder.

    Box in the current behavior of Metadata Cascading with Overwrite option deletes the
    existing metadata Instance and creates a new metadata instance object, this is causing conflicts when any custom business process through API has to manage metadata on items under the cascaded folders. The process gets caught into a scenario where between get metadata and update metadata methods during update the custom process…

    3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →

    Cascading Metadata that results in an overwrite now uses a single Update operation rather than Deleting and Creating. 

  3. Search on metadata multi-select fields

    For example, if a customer tags a file with the "Department" key and the values: "Finance" and "HR." "Department" does not appear in the Box UI search bar as a metadata filter option b/c it is multi-select.

    79 votes
    16 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →

    We have released the ability to search over Metadata multi select fields on the web. Here is a link to the community post: You can also search over such fields using the API:

    Documents uploaded/updated with MD multi select fields from this point going forward will be searchable via that field. Previously uploaded documents with MD multi-select fields will soon be searchable via those fields (backfill is in progress).

  4. Add ability to pre-populate some metadata template values

    We'd like the ability to pre-populate some metadata template values. This way, users aren’t constantly re-typing (or constantly choosing from a drop-down menu) the same responses to attributes when applying metadata to a large number of files.

    5 votes
    0 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →
  5. Folder-Level Metadata Exposed in the Webapp UI

    Key Components:
    --Allow users to enter Metadata at the folder-level (currently can only add metadata to individual files in the UI)
    --Provide a visual indicator (somewhere) on the page to inform users that a folder has metadata

    33 votes
    delivered  ·  0 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →
  6. Maintain Metadata when Copying a File

    Currently, Metadata (custom metadata and applied metadata templates/values) that's been added to a file is NOT maintained when a file is copied in Box. This request is to add the functionality - perhaps as an option in the 'Copy' flow - to copy a file's Metadata as well.

    32 votes
    2 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →
  7. Metadata Inheritance (Folder-Level) via Cascade Policies

    Allow metadata fields to be applied at the folder level, with files in that folder (or added to that folder) automatically inheriting the metadata fields AND potentially the values associated with those fields.

    31 votes
    delivered  ·  2 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →
  8. Hidden Metadata Templates/Attributes still need to be modifiable and searchable via API

    Managed users should not be able to edit metadata that is used by applications. But they still need metadata on those files.

    9 votes
    0 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →
    delivered  ·  katielee responded

    Hidden metadata templates and attributes are modifiable via API. Hidden metadata attributes are searchable via API — hidden metadata templates are not currently. This is on our longer-term roadmap to fix since this is a bug.

  9. Templates - Raise Max. Templates per EID to More than 50

    EIDs are currently limited to a max of 50 Metadata Templates. This request is to significantly raise the limit of the total number of Metadata Templates per EID.

    4 votes
    0 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →
    delivered  ·  katielee responded

    We have now raised the limit to 500 templates per enterprise.

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