Metadata Cascading with Overwrite does not update but deletes and creates Metadata Instances
The request here is for box to update the current metadata instance object if already exists on a file/folder instead of deleting and creating new instance when cascading policy with overwrite is applied to a folder.
Box in the current behavior of Metadata Cascading with Overwrite option deletes the
existing metadata Instance and creates a new metadata instance object, this is causing conflicts when any custom business process through API has to manage metadata on items under the cascaded folders. The process gets caught into a scenario where between get metadata and update metadata methods during update the custom process gets the error metadata instance not found on a folder because of Box behind the scenes continuously is deleting and creating new metatdata instance on files and folders under that folder.

Cascading Metadata that results in an overwrite now uses a single Update operation rather than Deleting and Creating.