
My feedback

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  1. 110 votes
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    not planned  ·  Anonymous responded

    This is not technically possible with the current non-persistent architecture of Box Drive.

    When the ‘Box’ folder disappears (whens users quit, update, log out) Windows folder redirection creates a new ‘Box’ folder to continue to redirect content. This forks the redirection out of Box Drive.

    Workarounds have been investigated heavily, but the cost to implement is too large to commit to the roadmap now.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Hoping someday this will be implemented. Literally every other competitor in this space supports it. The fundamental design architecture for Box Drive causes so many issues for Windows users - no folder redirection, no native Windows search, loss of folder display settings, no thumbnail preview, and more.

    I use Box Sync and Box Drive together (very carefully to avoid sync issues) as a workaround. Box Sync works perfectly for Desktop and My Documents, and I use its local file structure for all my daily work, only using Box Drive to provide shared links for others to view (but not edit) my files. Basically, I use Box Sync as read/write, and Box Drive as read-only.

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  2. 178 votes
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    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  3. 56 votes
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    This capability is available on macOS. For Windows users, we are working on the Box Drive Cloud Files version, which addresses this issue due to its completely different architecture. Please see more details here

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  4. 99 votes
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    not planned  ·  Anonymous responded

    This is a feature we would love to get to, but unfortunately it is not on our short term roadmap. Please continue adding your feedback!

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 
  5. 337 votes
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    not planned  ·  Anonymous responded

    We are currently not planning to implement this feature and will continue to prevent all Box Drive results from appearing in Explorer/Finder searches.

    Box Drive does not download the all of the metadata (File name, folder structure, etc.) of your Box content. Instead, it is downloaded on demand and then evicted when it is no longer relevant. This eviction process is not visible to users and it is not easily predictable. This would cause the search results in Explorer/Finder to be inconsistent for users – sometimes they would find a file and other times they may not if the metadata and file were evicted.

    We have chosen not to download all of the metadata (and then keep it up to date with changes) as this can result in a large performance, storage and bandwidth tax which is not scalable – especially in environments where users interface with millions of files/folders.

    Anonymous supported this idea  · 

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