Support Windows folder redirection with Box Drive
This is supported in Box Sync:

This is not technically possible with the current non-persistent architecture of Box Drive.
When the ‘Box’ folder disappears (whens users quit, update, log out) Windows folder redirection creates a new ‘Box’ folder to continue to redirect content. This forks the redirection out of Box Drive.
Workarounds have been investigated heavily, but the cost to implement is too large to commit to the roadmap now.
Anonymous commented
This is critical
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Omnicell is interested in seeing this feature added to the roadmap. Having the ability to support folder redirection in Box Drive would make it easier for them to manage PC replacements, administer legal holds on users' content, and allow them to deprecate a third party app that is currently being used to back up content in users Desktop/Documents/Pictures folders.
Anonymous commented
6 years and 100 votes later on this "confidential" forum... but still "not planned".
I hope ChatGPT will help developpers to implement it, "lol". -
Anonymous commented
I work in IT at a very large university and we are a Box customer as well as Office 365. Box has been the dominant cloud storage here and I'm sure we pay them a boatload of money, but OneDrive is quickly taking over as the primary cloud storage tool and this feature is one of the primary reasons IT staff are moving their users over to OneDrive because it has OneDrive Backup (ie folder redirection) for Desktop, Documents, and Pictures. Plus, it supports manually configuring a folder for redirection. Box Drive does not work this way. It will break and start putting files in a temp folder. IT staff want buy-in from users when we are pushing a cloud storage solution. The simplest way to do that is to make it as easy as possible for the user. Redirecting their existing, commonly used folders is simple and most don't even realize anything has changed. Box needs to re-evaluate the importance of this feature.
Rob Bilson commented
Adding to the comments here. This is a major gap in product functionality. As OneDrive continues to gain additional features/functionality, it's getting harder to ignore. Microsoft makes it dead simple to integrate OneDrive with Windows, and the lack of folder redirection is a major headache for our users. It's becoming more and more difficult to tell our users they can't use OneDrive because we use Box when Box lacks a major feature that affects workflow in this way.
Anonymous commented
Hoping someday this will be implemented. Literally every other competitor in this space supports it. The fundamental design architecture for Box Drive causes so many issues for Windows users - no folder redirection, no native Windows search, loss of folder display settings, no thumbnail preview, and more.
I use Box Sync and Box Drive together (very carefully to avoid sync issues) as a workaround. Box Sync works perfectly for Desktop and My Documents, and I use its local file structure for all my daily work, only using Box Drive to provide shared links for others to view (but not edit) my files. Basically, I use Box Sync as read/write, and Box Drive as read-only.
Anonymous commented
Box, this is still a critical need. We have been using Box Sync for years, with user Desktop, My Documents, Pictures, Favorites all redirected to Box Sync, so that users can access their work files from anywhere, and also synchronize across multiple devices (laptop to desktop, etc.). Two of our users recently "upgraded" to Box Drive, and this has completely broken their workflow, creating significant IT labor waste. We're now in the process of moving them back to Box Sync, so please do not EOL Sync until you have resolved this issue in Drive. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Guys, This is becoming a major issue for our team. You need to spend some time and address this. By having this option you would have a complete solution. You are not quite there yet.
Anonymous commented
You really need to figure out how to make this possible. Both OneDrive and Dropbox can do both selective sync and persistent offline files. I understand that BoxDrive uses a different architecture, but from a user-perspective, Box is lagging here.
Saying that this is "technically not possible" just means someone lacks the imagination in figuring out how to make it work. It's software -- anything is technically possible. If BoxSync could do it, then you can do it here too.
Try changing the nature of what it means when a user marks a folder as available offline. Rather than just keeping a persistent cache of the offline files, make that designation actually sync the files to the local profile folders as actual files within the OS.
Or,, allow admins to designate one specific top level folder ("UserProfile", for instance) within each user account to be available in a persistent offline state separate from the user's other folders. Treat the sync of that folder as a separate event within BoxDrive than normal folder sync/display.
There are solutions.
Anonymous commented
The answer "This is not technically possible" is really ununderstandable.
If BoxDrive tool cannot provide this essential function, it should be possible for this company to provide another tool, possibly a revival of a BoxSync "dedicated/compatible version" ?
If you need beta testers you should find here a lot of customers ! -
Anonymous commented
My Company would like this function for all desktops since they are moving to Box for content storage with Jira. Currently One drive by Microsoft supports syncing Desktops, Documents, Favorties, pictures, etc. Just by right clicking on the One Drive icon in the task bar and enabling the feature, and has for quite a while. BOX will lose customers if they do not provide a reliable solution.
Saleh Igal commented
If you can't do this, at least support Box Sync and Box Drive running simultaneously. We're currently using Box Sync to do this.
Steven Alexander commented
Seriously? This is less of a "well, they'll get around to it eventually" issue, and more of a "gaping hole in the product planning and development the size of the grand canyon" kind of thing.
Really, BOX should be embarrassed that this reply was even contemplated, let alone published.