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575 results found

  1. Enhance and support the Box Embed Widget for mobile browsers.

    We outsource hosting and presenting documents to Box. We allow our users to upload documents in our app and we upload them to Box via API. Later on, when users want to view the file, we ask the Box API for an iframe URL and embed it in our app. So, in the end, no one is logged in to any box applications, because we use the API under the hood.

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    Thank you for the submission. We are currently collecting use cases and feature requests for the Box Embed widget, and are considering it for update in a future planning cycle. We do not have a timeline for this at present, but ask you to continue to submit feedback here in the meantime.

  2. Add ability for users to open a folder in Box Drive from the Web App

    Add some kind of "open in Box Drive" option for a folder. Clicking this would cause Box Drive to open the appropriate folder locally.

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    not planned  ·  dfisher responded

    This seems like it would be better solved with a search improvement to Box Drive. If not, let us know in the comments.

  3. Ability to set email notifications at each folder level

    Allow the ability to change email notifications at each different folder level. Effectively, break waterfall notifications settings.

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  4. Option to disable notifications for collaborator invites being accepted

    Users can get spammed if they send folder collaboration invites to a group and the organization's default settings are to auto-accept collaboration invites. The option to disable notifications for accepting collaborator invites would be useful in this circumstance.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. We currently don’t have any plans to update the current email notifications flow, but will return to this suggestion later in the year. Please stay tuned!

  5. Export all Collaborators on an item from Web UI

    As an editor - when I go to a folder, I can see everyone collaborated into that folder.
    On the right hand side, I can click on a user or on an icon that shows + x number people.

    When I do that it opens a page showing a table of users collaborated in.
    Name/ Email address/ Permission / Date Added/ Added To

    I would love a button to click which would simply export a .csv of that table.

    Seems simple as that table is presented on the web page.

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    not planned  ·  Brad Monroe responded

    Thanks for the suggestion! While I definitely see the usefulness of being able to export a report of collaborators on an item, we don’t plan to launch this feature in the near term as we’re focused on other various collaboration improvements.

    Product Manager, Web & Collaboration

  6. Customization of SSO login screen

    Further allow branding customization and controls on login screen. We do not use "network usernames" and as such it can be confusing for users.

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    not planned  ·  Brad Monroe responded

    Thank you for this suggestion. I understand the use case. However, we do not plan to accommodate that level of customization at this time.

  7. Downloading Empty Folders

    We noticed and it's confirmed with Box Support that the Box service treats "empty folders" inconsistently depending on which Box mechanism is used.

    Empty folders are not created if we download folders via the Web interface. Empty folders are created via Box Sync. We are finding that this inconsistent behavior is creating confusion for our users and a mistrust in the Box service. Can you rectify the inconsistent behaviour?

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    not planned  ·  vlarco responded

    Thank you for this suggestion! This is a low priority because it’s a very narrow use case. Changing this functionality does not impact a large enough user base.

  8. Tags are copied along with the folder/file during a copy action in the Web App

    Currently when you copy a folder with a tag to another location in Box, the tag is not copied as well.

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    not planned  ·  Stephanie Zhang responded

    This is a great idea! Unfortunately we aren’t able to prioritize this ask at this time due to other competing priorities.

  9. Saved Searches

    The ability to "save" a search and be able to go back to it at any point and the latest results would be there.

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  10. Prompt for Folder Moves

    Add a prompt when moving a folder to ensure a customer wants to perform the action before moving into a folder.

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  11. Multiple files in one shared link

    We would like to send multiple documents from separate folders in a single shared link.

    Currently when you select multiple files, you are limited to files within one folder, and the files are sent with a shared link for each file.

    Possible solve: "Bundle zone" in the web UI where you could drag and drop files from different folders, and once you have all the ones you want, tell it to generate a single shared link which would display like a folder to the recipient, without the user having to rearrange their content.

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  12. Allow conversion of documents into PDF format within Box

    Convert documents (Word, PPT, txt etc.) into PDF format inside of Box without the use of 3rd party tools.

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  13. Ability to set folder notifications for external and internal collaborators within a folder.

    Companies with many external collaborators have to walk each user through changing their folder notification settings so the external collaborator will be notified whenever a document is uploaded to a folder. This is extremely manual for us and their external collaborators. It would be easier if folder owners could set folder notifications for everyone within the folder so external collaborators receive the sames notifications as internal collaborators.

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  14. Ability to customize email notification text

    Is it possible to customize the text of email notifications? Ideally we'd like to customize text for uploads to different folders.

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  15. Separate shared links for internal and external users.

    We want to be able to share links internally and externally. External shared links should only be available for 10 days while internal shared links should not expire.

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    not planned  ·  Stephanie Zhang responded

    Interesting suggestion! However, this is not planned at this time due to competing priorities.

  16. 14 votes

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    not planned  ·  Stephanie Zhang responded

    Interesting feature request! However, we’re not able to prioritize it at this time due to competing priorities.

  17. Add a Shared Link to Favorites and Collections

    When a link is shared to the user, the ability to favorite or add it to collections in order to find it easily

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    We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  18. 13 votes

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  19. Toggle between multiple Box accounts

    Not having to log out of one account to access content in another account

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  20. Always Show Show/Hide Option for Hiding Left Sidebar

    The left sidebar in the new Web App auto-hides at smaller window size (due to responsive design), but some users would like the show/hide option for the left sidebar to always be shown (like the button already is for the right sidebar) to allow for increased space for the file list columns (Name, Modified, Size).

    REQUEST: Always display the show/hide button for the left sidebar, regardless of the window size.

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    not planned  ·  dfisher responded

    We’re aware that the lack of space to show file and folder names is an issue. We’re working on addressing this in different ways.

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