Brad Monroe
My feedback
7 results found
40 votes
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17 votes
As part of the usability enhancements rolling out in the update noted here here – – we updated the Activity sidebar in Preview to sort comments with the latest comment at the bottom, aligning with the comment composer’s location at the bottom and to make way for future updates planned for the sidebar. As a result, we don’t plan to change sort order.
- Brad
Product Manager, CollaborationAn error occurred while saving the comment Brad Monroe commented
Thanks for the feedback. In the updated experience, the sidebar automatically scrolls such that the most recent comments are shown at the bottom of the sidebar upon loading the page (you shouldn't have to scroll just to see the most recent comments). Meaning even when there are many comments on a file, you're always seeing the most recent by default since those are most likely the ones that are most timely for you to see.
The change is that the most recent are now just at the bottom of the sidebar closer to the area where you write a new comment.
Please do report back if you're not seeing that behavior.
Product Manager, Collaboration -
227 votes
We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
An error occurred while saving the comment Brad Monroe commented
Box allows users to add Bookmarks (weblinks) within folders in the webapp, but these Bookmarks aren't exposed in Box Sync currently (though they're exposed in the mobile apps).
37 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Brad Monroe commented
Includes the ability to:
1. View metadata (including templates) already applied to content
2. Add/edit metadata to content directly in the appBrad Monroe shared this idea ·
16 votes
Thank you for your suggestion. We currently don’t have any plans to update the current email notifications flow, but will return to this suggestion later in the year. Please stay tuned!
An error occurred while saving the comment Brad Monroe commented
Currently, any time a user invites someone to a folder, there is always a 'XYZ has accepted your invitation' email notification that's sent to the inviter. This is good, except for the fact that 'auto-accept all incoming collaboration invitations' is set to ON as the default for all Box users, meaning the vast majority of Box users never actually 'accept' invites, and Box accepts on their behalf. This causes the 'XYZ has accepted your invitation' email to go to the inviter even though the recipient hasn't actually done anything to accept the invite (which is deceiving to the inviter).
Thus, the value of the email notification sent to the inviter when the recipient has auto-accept turned ON is pretty minimal.
REQUEST: Enhance this UX overall to improve...
1. Decide whether we should or should not actually send a 'has accepted' email notification to the inviter when the recipient has auto-accept turned ON; perhaps an in-app notification would suffice?
2. Decide on content changes to the email sent to the inviter when the recipient has auto-accept turned ON (change the language to better explain that the user auto-accepted vs. actually clicking an 'accept' button) -
60 votes
This is still on track to be delivered this year, 2023.
An error occurred while saving the comment Brad Monroe commented
The threading that we currently have for Comments is somewhat half-baked:
When a user clicks 'reply' to a previous comment, when the reply is posted, that 'thread' is not brought to the top/bottom of the comment stream (like it would in Chatter, for example). This causes recently-replied-to threads to be often lost in the abyss of the Comment stream. -
44 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Brad Monroe commented
Hyperlinks were previously retained (and clickable) via Preview in Box for PowerPoints. Given a change to the conversion system, hyperlinks in PowerPoint files are no longer retained (thus not clickable anymore), requiring the user to download the file and open in PowerPoint just to access a hyperlink in the slides - which is not the best UX.
Currently, Box has a variety of filters on the Search page including owner, folder, type, etc.
One additional filter that would be very helpful would be an 'Uploader' filter -- allowing me to do a search like "quarterly planning powerpoint file that Jane uploaded".