Ability to set folder notifications for external and internal collaborators within a folder.
Companies with many external collaborators have to walk each user through changing their folder notification settings so the external collaborator will be notified whenever a document is uploaded to a folder. This is extremely manual for us and their external collaborators. It would be easier if folder owners could set folder notifications for everyone within the folder so external collaborators receive the sames notifications as internal collaborators.

Anonymous commented
Client has a VDR with external collaborators he wants to receive notifications when someone uploads something. Since he can't force their folder level notifications, he has to ask all of them to change this setting, rather than him doing it for all at once. An alternative would also be able to add groups to relay or groups of external collaborators
Anonymous commented
I currently have over 250 BOX client folders. For the new tax year, I have to add over 250 new folders for the 2022 tax season returns to EACH client folder. We need to ability to change their upload alerts so when I start uploading to this folder, they will get an email.
Keith Schrecke commented
We have the same issue - certain folders require notifications, but not all.
We have notifications disabled on the tenant, but need a way to set some folders to have some notifications on for all (still allow users to opt out).It is a very time consuming task walking every user through every folder instead setting the setting on a core set of folders and being done.