Expand Width of Left Sidebar to Display More Characters in Favorites Names

Interesting feature request! However, we’re not able to prioritize it at this time due to competing priorities.
Anonymous commented
This is an every day frustration. Due to naming conventions that we have in place so many of the folder names start the same because of the waterfall permissions and the fact that not everyone has access to the overarching folders so we need to give users context as to what each specific folder is in relation to (e.g. 'Form Repository - Life - TX', 'Form Repository - Life - MI' or 'Product Development - Life - 2018 Filing - OH' etc.). The inability to widen this bar almost makes the Favorites and Collections feature useless.
Anonymous commented
I would like this too because I wanted to take a screen shot of all the files in a collection to send to a colleague.
Anonymous commented
+1 this is a must have for us too!
our files all begin with XX_1233436738463- training doc ect - it is then very hard to find folders quickly!
Anonymous commented
I agree it's a must-have!
People, within a business unit, tend to name their folders with identical words at the beginning:
"XYZ Cloud Software Offerings" ;"XYZ Cloud Software Organization"; "XYZ Cloud Software Partners" etc.
And we must hover the mouse over all these names all the time... -
Anonymous commented
This is not just an 'interesting feature request' - it's a must-have. It's a productivity killer if I have to hover my cursor over each folder to know what it is. Nobody labels their folders to fall within this arbitrary 18-20 character limit enforced by Box.
Nick Chokas commented
This would be a great feature because for enterprises that try to maintain a Naming Convention, like "Internal - [Department] - [Project] - [Unique Name]" , a lot of the Folders you Favorite appear the same and you have to hover over them to see exactly which one you want to click on. Would be great for user to be able to drag the left sidebar to any width you desire (and maintained).