Remove external collaborator after certain period of inactivity
We invite many external collaborators onto projects and it is tedious to remove them after projects end. Setting a global "remove external collaborator" time period does not always work because some projects last much longer than others.
Request:Ability to set a "remove collaborator if inactive within Domain for x time"

Thank you for the use case! Because there are a few ways to remove collaborators, it is unlikely we will prioritize this in our roadmap.
Anonymous commented
The ability to auto-expire collaborators after a period of inactivity within our environment would significantly reduce the risk of data loss and enhance the management of collaborators. External companies would rarely, if ever, inform us of when a person whom we had collaborated with left their organisation - so auto-expiry on inactivity would be a significant improvement.
Anonymous commented
This is much needed as it will greatly reduce security risk of your clients accounts. It's not just about the ease of being able to remove. Some of your clients, our firm included, have many external collaborators.