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99 results found
Enable Slack Notifications For Box Status Page
Enable native Slack notification for Box Incidents -
1 vote -
Bring back WebDav support
Please bring back WebDav support. It had better performance than Box Drive or Sync and was easier to setup for Linux or Windows.
3 votes -
"inactive" or "archive" flag maps to less-expensive storage
Provide ability to flag/classify files and folders in a way that allows Box to move them to a less-expensive storage offering on the back-end. This can be referred to as an "inactive" or "archive" flag.BENEFITS & BACKGROUND
During the Box Higher Education Community Monthly Open Discussion on January 11th, an idea to submit to Box Pulse was formed, and seemed to have support from all in attendance (25-30 institutions).
Box acknowledges that there is a growing concern around constantly increasing storage, and the costs associated with it. The majority of files stored in Box are perceived (or…
37 votesBox storage platform already has optimizations in place to intelligently detect active (most recently and frequently used) data, and migrate it to cost-effective tiers. Great suggestion though!
Ability to zip/unzip large files from within Box so transport to/from Box isn't a huge bandwidth or time-consuming issue.
Many folks are requesting or have requested the ability to zip/unzip large files from within Box and being able to view them from within Box so transport to/from Box isn't a huge bandwidth or time-consuming issue. Zipping large files is a must-have in these days of high-resolution images and A/V technology.
31 votesWhile we understand the value of such feature, we are currently focused on improving the upload experience to make the ingestion of media files faster.
Freedom to move folders
Content sprawl is our #1 challenge. Please let us organize our folders. We don't want to interfere with the permissions, but I want to have an "Active Projects" folder and a "Project Archive" folder where I can drag and drop those relevant folders in.
109 votesMoving shared folders is not on the near-term roadmap. We understand the massive importance and we hope that a new product development to be released in 2020 will help address content sprawl.
The ability to have data residency for China to meet "The Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China"
The ability to have data residency for China to meet "The Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China"
5 votes -
File Shortcuts
I want to be able to have file shortcuts. They are just pointers to a file that can be placed in other folders throughout the file system. This makes it seem like there are copies of the file in multiple folders and all of the copies get updated whenever one gets updated because its actually one file with a bunch of references pointing to it.
33 votesWe understand the convenience that implementing this feature would bring, but recommend using the existing Bookmarks feature as a more efficient and simplified means for achieving the desired behavior.
Allow reorganization of received collaborated folders
I would like to request that all users are allowed, as non-folder owners, to place shared folders inside non-shared folders. This allows for better organization for users and therefore an overall better user experience. All other cloud services that I am a part of allow this.
I own the folders "fruit" and "orange." Someone else owns the folder "apple" and shares it with me. Currently, I cannot place the folder "apple" inside of my "fruit" folder. I would like to request this is changed.Currently, Box permissions (and as it was explained to me, security) does not allow it.…
26 votes -
shared link password
Currently there is an opportunity for Shared Links with a password to be brute force broken, as there are not any controls in place to disable after unsuccessful attempts. Two options to handle this are:
- Implement the configuration in the Shared Link Password protection option to set the number of unsuccessful attempts
- Implement an audit event that documents an unsuccessful Shared Link Password attempt, so that a custom implementation can monitor the unsuccessful attempts, and react accordingly.24 votesWe'll be evaluating improvements to Shared Links later this year and will provide an update at that time.
Ability to restore folder structures to point-in-time
Similar to version history, we would like the ability to select a folder, folder structure, or subset of folders/files and restore all content therein to a specific point in time. OneDrive recently released a histogram with a timeline slider feature allowing admins to restore select content to a specific period in time. For users moving from on-prem or used to backups, this provides confidence in giving the right access levels to users to get work done with the ability to revert content/structures if needed in case of accidental moved/edited or corrupted content.
31 votes -
Allow co-owners (not just owners) to extend auto-expiration date for external collaborators.
The primary reason why we have not enabled the auto-expiration for Collaborators is because only folder Owners will receive notifications of expiring collaborators and links, and only Owners will have the ability to extend the expiration date. In our instance, the Primary BoxAdmin account owns all content (and users are not allowed to create root-level folders, they're only co-owners).
If this ability were extended to Co-Owners, then this enterprise setting would be feasible for us. It has to be up to the co-owners to receive the notifications and determine whether or not to extend the sharing (since they have the…
14 votes -
Fix Illegal Characters Automatically When Uploading Via FTP
FTP uploads currently allow illegal filenames or unsupported characters in filenames. This triggers sync and file errors in Box Drive.
7 votesThank you for your request. However, this is not something we will be focusing on this year. We will revisit this with additional demand.
The ability to add an auto-expiration on specific external collaborators access to a specified file or folder.
I would like an Expiration option date picker to be added to the Collaboration Invite window. This will allow our company to let a user privilege expire without us being forced to expire by auto-deleting a folder, or sharing a link that expires but can also be shared with others in the meantime.
16 votesUnfortunately this is not planned in the near-term, but please do keep adding use cases so we can consider this request for the future.
Ability to white label the url from [company] to box.[company].com to see white clients have blocked box
Some of our clients office networks (law firms) block and because of browser cross site restrictions, they can't actually tell it's being blocked so its difficult to handle smoothly
7 votesNot planned at this time. We will revisit this with additional demand.
6 votes
17 votes
This suggestion is not under consideration for the current roadmap.
Ability to set different permissions based on where the user is accessing from (i.e. either from inside or outside of the company network)
We want the ability to control permission based on where the user is accessing from. For example, if the user accesses from inside the company network (IP range) they shall have editor permission. But if user accesses from outside, they shall have preview only permission.
4 votes -
Allow for creation of custom permission levels (roles).
We want to share files to an external collaborator, but want to restrict the download and allow editing.
Request: Add new custom roles and assign them preview, link, edit, and they would have to use our Office 365 to modify within Box?
14 votes -
Enable SSO through OAuth2 and not only SAML 2.0
We use an in-house IdP. This IdP leverages OAuth2 OpenID. It does not use SAML 2.0
Therefore we need Box to have the capability to enable SSO through OAuth2 and not only SAML 2.0
6 votes -
Request for a web page that better captures domains AND IP ranges for Box, including an XML feed to subscribe, changelog, etc
Can Box emulate Microsoft and create a web page like this. Originally (about 3 years back) this page was bare bones and just contained services, urls and IP ranges. Network admins had to scrape the page to grab the IP ranges they needed and use IFTTT. They have since added an XML feed and a way to subscribe to changes. They post updates once a month or so before they go into effect. Every bit of info on this page (including placement of links) has evolved based on user/admin feedback.
1 vote
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