Allow reorganization of received collaborated folders
I would like to request that all users are allowed, as non-folder owners, to place shared folders inside non-shared folders. This allows for better organization for users and therefore an overall better user experience. All other cloud services that I am a part of allow this.
I own the folders "fruit" and "orange." Someone else owns the folder "apple" and shares it with me. Currently, I cannot place the folder "apple" inside of my "fruit" folder. I would like to request this is changed.
Currently, Box permissions (and as it was explained to me, security) does not allow it. However, my master folder organization is all messed up in this scenario, both because I have to have two folders related to the concept of fruit, and because sometimes instead of naming a folder "apple" a colleague might name it "Sam's apple" and further take apart sense making about how folders are organized.

Anonymous commented
Seems like such a basic function. This UI is terrible. My root folder is a mess, can't find anything
Anonymous commented
Please, please, please add this ability. It would be so helpful and would better allow me to organize files in a way that works for me. It's surprisingly frustrating not to be able to do this. Collections unfortunately do not do the trick for me.
Thanks for your time and thanks for the product! I like Box and would like it even more if this feature could be added. :)
Anonymous commented
Please let user to have the ability to 1) move all collaboration folders into one folder, and 2) have incoming collaboration folders to reside in a specific folder instead of the root directory. All the collaboration folders are eating up the space in my root directory.
Anonymous commented
I was about to post essentially the same question/suggestion. It's a real problem in terms of organizing information between disparate teams.
How do we know whether anyone at Box is working on this, and/or if this feature is added?