Freedom to move folders
Content sprawl is our #1 challenge. Please let us organize our folders. We don't want to interfere with the permissions, but I want to have an "Active Projects" folder and a "Project Archive" folder where I can drag and drop those relevant folders in.

Moving shared folders is not on the near-term roadmap. We understand the massive importance and we hope that a new product development to be released in 2020 will help address content sprawl.
Anonymous commented
Dear BOX,
Root directory "shared folder saturation" issue is ubiquitous among your clients and has yet to be addressed. The number of shared folders stored in Root directories is exponentially increasing. Please address the issue (see suggestions in previous posts) . To recap, It is very difficult to find project folders that were named by someone else in an extremely large alphabetical list of folders in the root directory.
Anonymous commented
Collections does not help if we cannot move shared files and folders! Tired of the clutter that others have shared with me that I don't need regularly. I need a clear, organized root page. COME ON, BOX. The University of California is a huge client and we're ALL FRUSTRATED with your lack of flexibility. Fix this!
Anonymous commented
Completely agree - this is an enormous pain point for every user in my organization. Our root directories are a mess, and we are powerless to organize them. Even importing something like "collections" into Box Drive would be a great start.
I cannot emphasize enough how frequently I hear complaints about this. Everyone I work with is incredibly frustrated with Box specifically because of this problem. If you fixed it, it would massively improve customer satisfaction and efficiency of use.
James Yoon commented
Without knowing more specifics of your use case, it's hard to say with certainty but the new Collections UI currently in Beta seems like it may address this for you.
Anonymous commented
For any non-trivial use of Box, this limitation is debilitating. I have multiple folders shared with me with the same name and six pages of stuff in the root. I need a way to organize that doesn't impact other users.
Anonymous commented
Being a new Box user the lack of this option is my first and hopefully last disappointment.
Seems like this should have been an option from the start. Being an application for file storage and collaboration, the ability to have proper, simple organization of material is paramount. -
Anonymous commented
I like how shared folders are at the top, it has two benefits:
1- easy barrier of entry for people with little computer experience
2- cannot create problems where the parent folder is deleted and the share... what happens to it
so I'd like this limitation to remain
It can be improved in manyways -
Burke commented
Forcing all Box folders shared with me to be located in my root folder and have the name given by the original author is a mess. Does anyone at Box actually use the product? If so, do people share folders with you? If so, when 30+ people have shared folders with you and many of them have ambiguous or duplicate names, do you find this acceptable? Help us! Vote for this issue, ********* the roadmap, and create an abstraction between the owner's folder name and how & where it appears in the recipient's hierarchy.
For now, I end up making a "Box Home" folder for my personal files and bide my time until Box allows me to organize folders shared with me without altering their permissions.
Anonymous commented
There are multiple threads that are essentially addressing the same problem--organizing shared content whether it be color-coded folders, moving shared folders, hiding folders, creating an alias.
The users requests are spread out and, perhaps, not getting proper attention because the votes for this problem are distributed.
Here are some examples of users having a similar problem: -
Nick Chokas commented
"Folder Sprawl" is our #1 issue/complain here, that hinders continued use/adoption. Having the ability to organize Box Folders into your own personal "virtual buckets/Folders" that doesn't affect any other permissions/collaborators, would be a HUGE win for us. Favorites is not an option.
Anonymous commented
I echo similar requirements as the two other comments above.
Due to several different "accounts" or "owners" sharing their folders, make it extremely difficult for me to navigate. I can't "end" collaboration or delete them permanently from my view - I may need them at a later time. So, I just want to organize and group the folders into something like "virtual" or "alias" folders without really disturbing the access, names or anything else their respective owners would have shared the folders with me. Favourites is not an option for me. I just want to keep only the most active or "hot" folders in my view - rest I just want to move into one or two level below the "virtual"/"alias" folders as I mentioned above. This will be quite a useful feature and please do consider. Thanks! -
Anonymous commented
Having all folders shared with me (externally owned folders) just show up in the Box root folder is difficult to work with especially when several are named the same thing - the external person gives the shared folder the name of our company. Or in other words, I get 5+ folders shared with me each named "BTAA". Being able to put my own name on a folder shared with me would be very helpful.
Anonymous commented
Having all files that are shared with me at the root/home directory makes Box very cumbersome to navigate. I would REALLY like to be able to organize my files myself.