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22 results found

  1. Notification when someone is editing a file

    Since we don't have an option to check-in/check-out of files, can you add a feature like Dropbox's badge which alerts a user when someone else is editing a file so we prevent any simultaneous version history/editing issues?

    58 votes
    3 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →

    We have launched the capability to coauthor Office, iWork and Google Workspace files from Box Drive. Coauthoring documents will provide indication on the users who are actively editing the document.

    We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap for other file types.

    Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  2. Drive: Notifications when there is simultaneous editing happening

    When multiple people are simultaneously editing in Drive multiple versions save as different copies. There should be notifications so people don't have to lock files to let others know they are editing a document.

    264 votes
    15 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →

    We have launched the capability to coauthor Office, iWork and Google Workspace files from Box Drive. Coauthoring documents will provide indication on the users who are actively editing the document.

    We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap for other file types. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  3. Box Drive supporting Mac packages

    Box Drive supporting ".app" Mac OSx packages.

    111 votes
    35 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  4. Allow omnigraffle files in Box drive

    Allow omnigraffle files .graffle to sync in Box drive

    6 votes
    3 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  5. 16 votes
    delivered  ·  0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  6. Localized Box Drive UI

    Users are happy with localized web UI. Many are expecting the same for Box desktop tools, especially Box Drive

    2 votes
    0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  7. Drag and Drop behavior to and from Box Drive

    The current behavior of dragging and dropping content between Box Drive and the local desktop is a "move" action on Windows, and a "copy" action on Mac. A "copy" action may be more intuitive, and will be similar to the behavior when dragging to and from the web app.

    Performing a "copy" action would also be better for retaining the original file in case of any issues.

    11 votes
    delivered  ·  1 comment  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  8. Per-Device 'Offline' Syncing ('mark a folder for offline use' on computer 1 but not computer 2 when logged into the same Box account)

    Currently, when a user chooses 'sync this folder' from the webapp, that folder is then synced for offline access to ALL computers where the user is logged into Box Sync.

    This request is to provide per-device syncing options, meaning:
    "I want to sync Folder A to computer 1 but not computer 2 (but I'm logged into the same Box account in Box for Desktop on both computers)."

    Key driver for this: often times users with multiple computers want certain files synced but not others (due to space constraints, etc).

    8 votes
    1 comment  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  9. .PKG File for Deploying Box Sync on Macs

    We currently only provide a DMG file for deploying Box Sync on a Mac. This is not really scalable and not the preferred way to deploy apps to Mac workstations in large enterprises.

    3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  10. 1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  11. 2 votes
    delivered  ·  0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  12. Ability to set Lock timeframe when using Open With

    When a file is opened via the web app (i.e., Open With Word), the UI should allow a user to set a time limit for the lock. Currently, it only allows the user to click a check mark to indefinitely lock the file.

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  13. 13 votes
    delivered  ·  0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  14. Box Notes Desktop Beta feedback

    When I make a new Note, I would like to choose where to save it.

    0 votes
    0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  15. Box Edit launcher 'Open with Excel' for macro-enabled spreadsheets

    Currently Box Edit says a generic 'Open' for .xlsm files when it should note that it will open with Excel

    0 votes
    0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  16. Desktop App for Box Notes (Standalone)

    Allow users to access Box Notes via a standalone app model on Mac/Windows desktops to make the overall experience more native.

    0 votes
    0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  17. 1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  18. 4 votes
    0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
  19. "Save As" different file format option from Office applications

    Currently you can only save the document to Box as it is, but end users are accustomed to being able to save documents as a different file format from within Word/Powerpoint/Excel (especially saving to pdf format). Current functionality means users must "save as" locally first, and then upload to Box which is an extra step compared to what they're currently doing.

    7 votes
    0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
    delivered  ·  lwang responded

    This is available in the current Preview experience

  20. 1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
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