Per-Device 'Offline' Syncing ('mark a folder for offline use' on computer 1 but not computer 2 when logged into the same Box account)
Currently, when a user chooses 'sync this folder' from the webapp, that folder is then synced for offline access to ALL computers where the user is logged into Box Sync.
This request is to provide per-device syncing options, meaning:
"I want to sync Folder A to computer 1 but not computer 2 (but I'm logged into the same Box account in Box for Desktop on both computers)."
Key driver for this: often times users with multiple computers want certain files synced but not others (due to space constraints, etc).

We are happy to report that per-device offline syncing is now available as a key feature in the ‘Mark for Offline’ feature in Box Drive. See this article for more information:
We don’t plan to bring per-device syncing into the Box Sync app as we’re investing heavily in Box Drive as the future for accessing Box content locally on your desktop.
Box Admin Admin commented
this wasn't delivered and is not present in Box Sync...