Box Drive supporting Mac packages
Box Drive supporting ".app" Mac OSx packages.

Support for Mac Packages was delivered in Box Drive v2.24 in the File Provider Extension (FPE) mode.
You can view more details about Box Drive FPE here:
Anonymous commented
When will this be implemented?
Anonymous commented
Times flies by. Hours turns into years. But ...
Box does still not support mac pks (.app .key .mindnode .photolibrary .rtfd .imovielibrary etc).No wonder Universities in Sweden are looking elswhere for online storage.
Anonymous commented
Does Box have an ETA for this feature? I might need to start migrating over to google drive if this is not going to happen.
Anonymous commented
Is this still 'on the roadmap'? We are looking for the right solution for our company, but the lack of mac support with BoxSync will be a dealbreaker.
Anonymous commented
Hi; I'm evaluating for my business, and the lack of support for package "files" will be a dealbreaker, unfortunately.
Anonymous commented
we are very much looking forward to this being implemented. thanks for your work on it!
Anonymous commented
Please implement asap!!!
Anonymous commented
I have decided not to use Box anymore because of this issue. Google Drive, and Dropbox does not have this issue and I will be migrating to them. It's a significant productivity issue that I can no longer tolerate.
Anonymous commented
this is a HUGE sore spot. Please add immediately.
Anonymous commented
How soon is "future"? It was raised as an issue in June 2019.
Anonymous commented
This is so disappointing, for all of the reasons rehearsed below. Between a lack of spotlight support and a lack of Mac package support, Box is far behind other options.
Anonymous commented
As others have stated, if Box cannot support Mac packages, it's not an Enterprise class tool.
Anonymous commented
This really needs to happen soon. Keynote files almost insist on being package files.
Grant Davies commented
Box is supposed to be an enterprise-class cloud-based file management and sharing platform. We have hundreds of licenses, many using Mac's. With Box not supporting Spotlight to find files, it's severely lacking its competitors from Microsoft and dropbox. The Box version of search is vastly inferior to Spotlight.
Anonymous commented
Not acceptable! I can't use Box Drive without support for Mac packages. Box Sync is horribly slow, as you know. Identifying and converting packages is not an option. You'd better make "the future" now, and "reconsider" right away.
Anonymous commented
Hi this is important for us to use - can we get this moved up in the planning to support this?
Anonymous commented
There are so many file types which are basically Mac packages out there. Therefore it is mission critical for me. Without supporting Mac packages I can not use but I would love.
Anonymous commented
Merlin Project is a crucial app and is used on hundreds of Macs within our company. Merlin Project also stores its documents as packages. Box Sync worked perfectly with them. Now we plan on switching to dropbox instead.
Anonymous commented
Lack of this feature makes daily use of Box Drive impossible. We don't need full packages implementation ASAP, but rather the Safari .download files handling.
Anonymous commented
I hope this is revisited soon. It has been very frustrating trying to download things into my set Box folders. I have created another folder on my Mac to put items that need to be transferred to Box after downloading. It's a full step that takes time and is cumbersome. It seems like enough people use Mac and Box Drive that this would be a priority.