Notification when someone is editing a file
Since we don't have an option to check-in/check-out of files, can you add a feature like Dropbox's badge which alerts a user when someone else is editing a file so we prevent any simultaneous version history/editing issues?

We have launched the capability to coauthor Office, iWork and Google Workspace files from Box Drive. Coauthoring documents will provide indication on the users who are actively editing the document.
We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap for other file types.
Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Anonymous commented
Any progress on this? I am having trouble with an excel file being edited by multiple users who have the file open on their desktop. We open the file through the web and box drive. It would be great if someone has the file open on their desktop, Box would lock the file for editing by others and notify others who has the file checked out for editing.
Anonymous commented
This is a feature that would primarily be of interest in Box Drive for our use-case as simultaneous editing is not currently possible with desktop apps.
This is a feature which is available on dropbox; the dropbox badge provides a link to share the file through the dropbox desktop app, copy the dropbox link to clipboard, comment on the file on the web app & view version history on the web app.
Tyler Yates commented
If this feature also indicated which user was editing the document it would help with collaboration.