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575 results found

  1. Locking Folder Names

    We have systems integrating with folders on These functions either provide workflow timestamps, or move files from folder to folder. In order for these integrations to work seamlessly, folders cannot be accidentally or purposely renamed.

    25 votes
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  2. "Virtual Documents" / Groupings of documents that together form one master document

    Box should have the ability to get documents together in a collection. This collection should then be versionable, regardless of the versions of the documents.

    Thinks a personal dossier. Some documents might update a couple of time, before I declare the whole dossier as a new version.

    Tools like documentum have a concept of virtual documents. My opinion to those implementation is that they are really bad from a user perspective. Therefore we should do it better.

    4 votes
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  3. 14 votes
    6 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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    not planned  ·  Stephanie Zhang responded

    Interesting feature request! However, we’re not able to prioritize it at this time due to competing priorities.

  4. See file size of previous versions

    Want to be able to see the previous version file sizes without having to download the previous files.

    1 vote
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    not planned  ·  Stephanie Zhang responded

    Interesting feature request! However, we’re not able to prioritize it at this time due to competing priorities.

  5. Right-click on a file to open in a new tab.

    We need an easy way to open multiple tabs for a file. Our writers want to be able to right-click a file name in Box and choose to open in a new tab or window.

    20 votes
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  6. Notification about Update of File

    If you share a link to a file or folder, is there a way for recipients on that file to be notified that the file has been updated or in the case of a folder that another file has been added?

    For example, when they receive the link, could there be a message that says, if you'd like to get updated about this file/folder enter your e-mail. Then Box has a way of sending them the updates.

    29 votes
    3 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  7. On the browser interface, the option to Sync and Download should be the top two options in the menu

    On the browser interface, the option to Sync a file or folder is in the secondary, “More Options” section of the fly-out menu. Shouldn’t "Sync" and "Download" be the top two options on the fly-out menu? That’s what most of us want to do when we use the browser interface.

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    not planned  ·  Brad Monroe responded

    Thanks for the feedback! While we’re always looking for ways to improve usability on the site, we don’t plan to make this change since we’re moving toward the ‘Mark for Offline’ feature with the newer Box Drive desktop app as the long-term replacement for the ‘syncing’ features of Box Sync.

    If you haven’t checked out Box Drive, I recommend downloading it and trying it out, especially now that it allows you to view all of your Box folders and files directly within Windows Explorer / macOS Finder on your desktop, and you can simply right-click a folder and choose ‘make available offline’ right from your desktop too.
    More information about Box Drive is here:

  8. Make it easier for users to specify their preferred text editor (or any other type of editor)

    In many tech companies, different developer staff have different preferences on what text editors to use when editing files with Box Edit. Although the default editor for text files can be changed by modifying a registry key on the user's PC, the customer IT team (who does not like the idea of users modifying their PC registry) would like to have a user option where the user can specify their preferred text editor (similar to what is currently available in the Box user settings for Word, PPT and Excel files).

    1 vote
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    not planned  ·  Brad Monroe responded

    The Box Edit app relies on the ‘default’ app settings that you have chosen at the OS-level (meaning in Windows settings or macOS settings) for what is the ‘default’ app for opening a given file type. If you’d like a specific file type opened in a different desktop app on their computer, simply change your default app settings within your Windows or macOS settings.

    We only have a native preference in the Box web app when a specific file type has additional cloud-based editing integrations available on Box (like Office files, for example).

  9. Display warning notification (admin controls) for moving large files and folders.

    We have large projects folders containing 5+ GB of data. Would like to have a warning notification similar to that of deleting a file, pop up when someone goes to move a file or folder.

    Ideally this would have customizable parameters controlled by the admin such as warn users only when file contains over 100 mb or even a feature that requires admin approval over a certain amount.

    We recently had one of our very large folders moved accidentally and it caused a huge bandwidth issue as well as displaced the many sub folders that various departments relied on.

    8 votes
    not planned  ·  3 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  10. Create Colorized folder icons for externally shared folders

    We would like an additional color (besides grey, blue, yellow) for folders that are shared with external people.

    9 votes
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    not planned  ·  Stephanie Zhang responded

    We decided to add an external collaboration indicator within details sidebar to solve for indication of external sharing status as introducing colorized icons solely to indicate external sharing status would not be accessible.

  11. Open with Box Drive from WebApp

    Ability to open files on Box Drive from the WebApp.

    17 votes
    not planned  ·  3 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  12. Show amount of time left to complete upload and the number of files remaining

    It only shows a progress bar but I would like a % complete and time to complete on the progress bar as well. Also if it could show number of files that are being uploaded and how many are left. That would be very helpful when I am uploading a lot of documents and want to know long it will take to upload.

    3 votes
    3 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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    not planned  ·  Stephanie Zhang responded

    We currently have a progress bar in the upload manager that indicates percentage complete. Adding an estimate for time could be helpful for users, but we won’t be able to prioritize this ask due to conflicting priorities – I’d suggest using the percentage complete as a benchmark for now.

  13. Enable read-only version for collaborators when another user has locked a file

    Tackle the issue of duplicate files being created when users are making concurrent edits in the same file

    7 votes
    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  14. Ability to show Full path from root to collaborated folder

    If i have a folder in the following structure
    and I invited User B to Folder 3
    When User B access Folder 3 he would have no idea that folder 3 is actually in the path /1/2/3.

    On Box platform however, there is an optional parameter "canviewpath",
    while this can only be used by the folder owner it adds to ability to let collaborator see the folder from root to target folder.

    33 votes
    6 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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    We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  15. Language selection setting on collaboration email

    When Japanese speaking users invite a collaborator, collaboration notification, the email body text is written in Japanese language. This behavior is not suitable when collaborator is Non-Japanese speaker.

    So it is needed to be able to select the language of the invitation mail body when we invite others.

    Japanese speaking users invite some English speaking users without changing their "default language" in account settings.

    9 votes
    not planned  ·  2 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  16. 7 votes
    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  17. 13 votes
    not planned  ·  2 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  18. Multiple files in one shared link

    We would like to send multiple documents from separate folders in a single shared link.

    Currently when you select multiple files, you are limited to files within one folder, and the files are sent with a shared link for each file.

    Possible solve: "Bundle zone" in the web UI where you could drag and drop files from different folders, and once you have all the ones you want, tell it to generate a single shared link which would display like a folder to the recipient, without the user having to rearrange their content.

    14 votes
    not planned  ·  1 comment  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  19. 1 vote
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  20. Include option for search by tags in search filter bar

    Currently only have options for file type, date updated, owners

    5 votes
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