Ability to show Full path from root to collaborated folder
If i have a folder in the following structure
and I invited User B to Folder 3
When User B access Folder 3 he would have no idea that folder 3 is actually in the path /1/2/3.
On Box platform however, there is an optional parameter "canviewpath",
while this can only be used by the folder owner it adds to ability to let collaborator see the folder from root to target folder.

We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Roel commented
It's basically Access Based Enumaration from the root down that we want.
Anonymous commented
Not sure how this not on your radar, this causes a lot of confusion for everyone especially if there are 2 folders in different paths with with same name. This needs to be raise higher. Huge miss here box.
Anonymous commented
Users from my organization are also asking for the same functionality because they are invited in too many subfolders folders with meaningless names. Visibility of the full path would solve that and since most users don't have API skills, please add the "can-view-path" option to the Web UI.
Anonymous commented
This issue is a huge miss from Box and has been brought up many many times as we move companies from file shares to Box. It's very confusing when you share subfolders with other collaborators and they only see the subfolder name instead of retaining the tree structure. For example, if I have a "Reports" top level folder with CompanyA, CompanyB and CompanyC as subfolders but I give someone access to only CompanyA and CompanyB then it doesn't keep the two subfolders under Reports for their view. Those two subfolders now look like top level folders. This is a terrible design as is the lack of breaking waterfall permissions. Both of these are standards in the file share systems that have been around for decades.
Saleh Igal commented
This could be a simple change. Can_view_path could be exposed from the Web UI when adding/updating a collaboration.
We built a customization that sets can_view_path for certain folder hierarchies. But, it would be better to expose it to end users.
wst-box@CTC commented
My customers request this option.
They are worried how to telling the folder path to other co-wokers when using BoxDrive. Because the folder path is different each person.