On the browser interface, the option to Sync and Download should be the top two options in the menu
On the browser interface, the option to Sync a file or folder is in the secondary, “More Options” section of the fly-out menu. Shouldn’t "Sync" and "Download" be the top two options on the fly-out menu? That’s what most of us want to do when we use the browser interface.

Thanks for the feedback! While we’re always looking for ways to improve usability on the site, we don’t plan to make this change since we’re moving toward the ‘Mark for Offline’ feature with the newer Box Drive desktop app as the long-term replacement for the ‘syncing’ features of Box Sync.
If you haven’t checked out Box Drive, I recommend downloading it and trying it out, especially now that it allows you to view all of your Box folders and files directly within Windows Explorer / macOS Finder on your desktop, and you can simply right-click a folder and choose ‘make available offline’ right from your desktop too.
More information about Box Drive is here: https://community.box.com/t5/Box-Drive/ct-p/BoxDrive