Advanced Box search capabilities: Being able to search by Creator, Co-owner or Editor
We believe that there are some key data elements that should be filters in the search (and are collected by Box so they should be searchable) and hope to see them in the future. The main one is the "creator" since the "owner" is the only filter that allows you to determine who created the content. Since our Box instance is configured in a way where BoxAdmin owns all of our content, BoxAdmin is also the "owner" of everything. This makes search useless when someone is looking for content that they created.

Anonymous commented
1. Owner filter should include additional filters for Co-owner, Editor, etc. (Our company chose to have Box Admin as an owner, so NO ONE is an owner on their own files/folders.)
2. Search trash to restore files that someone else deleted when both users were co-owners. (Had to track down via email notification to ask the person to restore. Items I own is useless in our org due to #1 above.)Note: The speed of searching for something newly added is ridiculously slow.
Anonymous commented
This would be incredibly beneficial!!
Anonymous commented
Would be appreciated if you could search on data you had added into box by "owner" or "creator". Currently can only search other people in our company so why not enable us to search our own documents? a time saving added tool please.
Casey Gatti commented
I've seen this feedback by many in my company too that searching by "uploader/creator" or "updated by" would be very helpful for them.
Anonymous commented
This would be a very useful search option and do hope that this comes to fruition.
AdminBrad Monroe (Admin, Box) commented
Currently, Box has a variety of filters on the Search page including owner, folder, type, etc.
One additional filter that would be very helpful would be an 'Uploader' filter -- allowing me to do a search like "quarterly planning powerpoint file that Jane uploaded".