Allow users to click through hyperlinks in preview rather than having user download content
This applies to...
— PDFs
— PowerPoints
And other similar file types

Anonymous commented
When previewing a pdf, i click on some text that is expected to contain an hyperlink, but nothing happens.
Some pdfs with hyperlinks work correctly. But not all. At least it would be nice to understand the logic behind it and have some guidance / docs on how hyperlinks have to be created in order to work. -
Anonymous commented
I just assigned a hyperlink to an image inside a PowerPoint file, and the image itself doesn't even show in the preview on the web app. Inability to include clickable hyperlinks in a PowerPoint preview seems silly to me, especially when it's possible in other document types.
Anonymous commented
This is a big deal for benefits related communications e.g. much of our comms include links out to vendor generated pdfs and how-tos to avoid too long don't read (TLDR) effect and having to include all the content in one long box note or KB article. If Boxers can't link out to the docs w/out downloading them first, they will be less likely to read important/relevant info, which will decrease program utilization and make accessing and learning about benefits more cumbersome.
Anonymous commented
This is would be great feature for us. All our current change management documents using hyperlinks. Instead of download every single file, previewing it will be very helpful
Hayley Hua commented
Our team heavily uses Powerpoint slides which often includes hyperlinks to resources or other Box documents. A number of our HR resources are created via Powerpoint so this will hugely benefit us. Our current workaround to avoid users to download the file or open the Powerpoint tool is to convert the Powerpoint slides into PDF forms, however, now we have to maintain two separate versions. Not the best user experience.
Roshan Kodihalli commented
It would be great to have this feature with Powerpoint too and not just word, excel and PDF.
Venkata Sowmya Alluri commented
Looks like I can click through the hyperlinks in PDF, Excel, Word from preview. Just the power-point hyperlinks are not clickable from the preview. Hope they address this sooner.
AdminJuan Perez Carrizosa (Admin, Box) commented
We would be able to publish manuals/guides/etc. with embedded links in them and viewers could click on the preview doc to navigate to the related content
Brad Monroe commented
Hyperlinks were previously retained (and clickable) via Preview in Box for PowerPoints. Given a change to the conversion system, hyperlinks in PowerPoint files are no longer retained (thus not clickable anymore), requiring the user to download the file and open in PowerPoint just to access a hyperlink in the slides - which is not the best UX.