Add a threaded ‘Reply’ button to comments and @mentions
When you are @mentioned, replying to the sender with @mention requires many clicks. It would be simpler to be able to reply to the sender in one click (i.e. add a comment with sender already @mentioned)

This is still on track to be delivered this year, 2023.
Anonymous commented
ETA is needed. please
Anonymous commented
Please provide an ETA -- adding a threaded reply comment and @mentions would be immensely helpful.
Anonymous commented
We only just transitioned to Box and x2 of our clients have already asked this question about being able to reply to a comment - it makes it hard to use Box as a collaboration if you can not reply to certain comments. Having this feature would be highly beneficial.
Anonymous commented
The ability to reply directly to a comment, would be a wonderful feature.
We are striving to have our organisation comment on files in Box vs using email. This feature will further enhance the reason to use Box.
Anonymous commented
When using Box functionality to create an 'Object, review and Approve' mechanism it is important for both the document author to know that they have addressed all comments but also important for the commenter to see how their comment has been addressed. The thread is particularly important for where there are a large number of comments.
John Berry commented
We are intending using Box for document reviews, however if user (a) makes a comment, there is currently no way for user (b) to reply, threaded comments make perfect sense.
Anonymous commented
+1 we would also appreciate having the ability to directly conduct document reviews using a REPLY button so we can answer to comments in a sequenced thread to better know that concerns are being addressed.
Anonymous commented
+1 for the reply button to comments and annotations (with or with an @mentioned.). We want to use this function for document reviews. The reply might indicate that the suggestion was integrated, rejected , or to ask for more clarification. One log thread of comments is not great (i.e., is horrible) for this function. The editor can not even keep track of what they have addressed.
Casey Gatti commented
This is incredibly important for my company to even consider using Box for content review of PDF files.
Anonymous commented
+1 As a collaborator on large documents, having the ability to create threads on comments allows me to better organize, view and track group conversations on specific edits and parts of my document.
Anonymous commented
+1 for a reply button in the comments section. Ideally the reply button would copy the @mentioned users, and the emailed notification would be labeled as "reply", so that it can be filtered out from other comments being made on the same document.
Matt Stofka commented
Would love to reply directly to a comment or annotation to keep the conversation in line. I was just chatting with someone in Box - he made 5 annotations on a document with questions for me and I wasn't able to reply to each one so it was difficult to tie my response to each annotation. The old annotations had a reply function but didn't have the benefit of the comments thread and @mentions so hopefully you can find a way to do both. Threading might get a bit messy in the current UI but perhaps you could allow us to expand the right comments panel to see the thread hierarchy better?
Anonymous commented
Hello, I'm not using much the @mentions, but it would be really helpful to have a "reply" button to comments made on a file. I use Box for enabling multiple coworkers to read and propose changes to files that are "work in progress". It would be easier to answer to some of the comments directly below. Instead, I have to write another comment next to theirs, that's not practical. Thanks.
Nada O'Neal commented
Yes, and... the original sender perhaps @mentioned multiple people. I'd love to be able to reply, automatically @mentioning the whole crew.
Brad Monroe commented
The threading that we currently have for Comments is somewhat half-baked:
When a user clicks 'reply' to a previous comment, when the reply is posted, that 'thread' is not brought to the top/bottom of the comment stream (like it would in Chatter, for example). This causes recently-replied-to threads to be often lost in the abyss of the Comment stream.