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2661 results found

  1. 3rd Party Integrations and Pull Data from Other Sources

    We would love to see Box Canvas have robust integration capabilities (e.g. MS Suite, Zoom, Miro, Mural, etc.) It would be great if we had the ability to pull data in from other sources (for example, MS Excel) to Box Canvas.

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  2. Need to be able to pick my own RBG colors

    The color options are very limited. If I were to use this for my company's diagramming tool of choice, we would need to be able to load in our own color palette.

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  3. Canvas feature improvements

    After trying Canvas it looks like in order to get more use out of this compared to other open white board on the market it really does need allow more flexibility and improvements such as:

    1. Ability to allow GIF's for presentations.
    2. Allow links/ bookmark to files within box within a text box.
    3. Allow preview box of a video or crop a video within box to show a snippet of the video for presentation.
    4. Allow a preview link/ bookmark to Audio file to play.
    5. Currently drawn notes or shapes only allow corners to expand, it would help to add in side…
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    not planned  ·  3 comments  ·  Box Canvas  ·  Admin →
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  4. Folder Lock from Web UI

    Currently, Folder Lock can be configured only through API. We would like to be able to configure it on Web UI, e.g. Folder Settings.
    Folder Lock function is very useful, but not used widely. Probably it's because API is not very friendly for some users.

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    Because of the downstream impacts, we will not be solving this problem as requested. We will be looking at a more holistic approach to prevent unintended consequences of file operations.

  5. No "print" option like in Box Notes

    There's no way to export or print the Canvas. This ability exists in Miro, so if Canvas were to offer this, we could likely cut out our Miro licenses. This ability exists today in Box Notes, so it would make sense for it to be available in Canvas as well.

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  6. UX is slightly different than Box Notes

    Notes from left pane takes you to your notes inbox. Canvas creates a blank canvas in your default save. It would be a more congruent experience if the UX matched

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  7. Using Box Sign for forms

    It would be helpful to leverage Box Sign to fill out forms. Currently, Box Sign does not allow for the Sign process to proceed unless a signature field is dropped into the document. We have a scenario where we wanted to have someone fill out text fields with various information as a step before a signature is placed. Perhaps a separate feature called Box Forms which allows those fields to be dropped in and populated onto a document before it gets to Sign?

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    not planned  ·  1 comment  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
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  8. Box Drive performance improvement request when using VDI

    The VDI is experiencing operational delays when using Box Drive, and this is affecting our business.
    It was found that the delay was caused by a large number of disk I/Os.
    We checked the Box Drive logs and found that Box was reflecting 1,000 to 2,000 operation logs on Box to each user every morning.
    Since the above operations occur simultaneously for all users, there is a large load on the infrastructure.
    Please improve performance.

    「VDI利用時におけるBox Drive性能改善リクエスト」

    Box Drive利用時のVDIで操作遅延が発生しており業務影響が出ております。
    Box Driveのログを確認した所、Boxから毎朝1000~2000のBox上での操作ログを各ユーザーへ反映されていました。

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Salesforce: Turn off collaboration emails

    I would like a way to turn off the collaboration emails that are sent to the Salesforce Service Account when any user is collaborated into a Salesforce Box folder.

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  11. Box Sign - Add Notary | eNotary

    Add the ability to have a document notarized. The notary needs to be invited by a signer and should include standard notary fields. Please see equivalent feature in DocuSign for reference.

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    4 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
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    Thank you for upvoting this request.

    Currently Notary support is not planned for 2024, but it's being considered for 2025.

    Please continue upvoting the request so that the product team can take into account your feedback. 

  12. Export Control (ITAR/EAR) support by Box Shield (Increase the maximum number of Shield Classifications & Applying a classification label to

    In the case of having global offices/teams, contents related to Export control are dispersed globally. However, the contents need to be in compliance for Export control.
    The following two enhancements work well for supporting ITAR/EAR with dispersed contents in one Box entity:
    1. Increase the maximum number of Shield Classifications - There is a limitation Classification (it's 25) now. To create combination label via country-base for ITAR/EAR, it requires a larger number of classifications.
    2. Applying a classification label to a specific group - this ability is required to support large number of Classification (above enhancement).

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  13. use @mention in the Office suites of software (Words, Excel, PowerPoint)

    Currently, we are able to do commenting of the document in Box by using the @mention. But we are not able to do the same when we are editing document in the native Ms Office software eg Words, Excel & PowerPoint. The @mention does not work.

    Would like to have the same feature when we are working in the native document?

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  14. I would like shortcut files created on Box Drive to be reflected on Box Web as well.

    I am aware that shortcut files (.lnk) created in Box Drive (on Explorer) are ignored as a file type and cannot be synchronized.
    However, in my work, I use Box Drive a lot and sometimes create shortcuts, but I can't share them because they are not synced, and they are deleted when I log out of the system.
    I feel this kind of specification is very inconvenient.
    I would love to see you respond to make this happen.

    Box Drive(エクスプローラー上)で作成したショートカットファイル(.lnk)は、
    しかしながら業務上、Box Driveの利用が多くショートカットの作成することがありますが、

    97 votes

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    not planned  ·  5 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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  15. Daily scheduled report

    Include the option to schedule a report on a daily basis in addition to the existing weekly, monthly, and yearly frequencies.

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  16. Azure AD Group Provisioning

    Enable Azure AD Group Provisioning via SCIM.

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  17. Improve the use of Variable Strings in the JAVA SDK

    For customers who are leveraging an API gateway using Java SDK version 3.2.1 some URL prefix text strings are not dynamically adjusted.

    For example, when customers are downloading the file representation in it tries to call directly the box API URL like the following URL:

    Some customers may be leveraging a customer specific gateway, so they need to be able to dynamically change the URL where is replaced with the gateway prefix like all the other calls:

    {{CUSTOMERGATEWAY}} /internalfiles/123/versions/345/representations/jpgthumb32x32

    There are a number of places where the prefix was not dynamic.

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  18. Error notification about Relay Workflow

    Currently there is no way to know whether the relay workflow has failed or not.
    So when there is an error in a workflow, I would like to have admins and or the workflow owners to receive a notification to inform about the error.

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    Hello all,

    Thanks for requesting this feature. The product team reviewed this request and added to our backlog for consideration. We look to revisit this next year and once we start working on this, we will update the status. 



  19. Bring back WebDav support

    Please bring back WebDav support. It had better performance than Box Drive or Sync and was easier to setup for Linux or Windows.

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  20. Box Relay: Allow File Requests to be "returned" and resubmitted

    It would be great if Box Relay had a feature for workflows triggered by a File Request to be "returned" for edits. The Workflow Starter could revise and resubmit their files without seeing other applicants submissions within the same submission folder or resubmit to the same file request link and overwrite their previous version.

    Right now they have to resubmit and their original version is retained. The resubmission would overwrite the old version so there aren't two or more separate versions within a given folder. It is confusing for committees who go through many rounds of revision to have multiple…

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