My feedback
17 results found
1 vote
Kash shared this idea ·
1 vote
Kash shared this idea ·
25 votes
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1 vote
Kash shared this idea ·
12 votes
Kash supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Kash commented
When running reports and selecting downloads - under the box drive we only see Box Drive for all the users. Instead of seeing a more detailed report - where it will tell us if this was related to making things offline vs editing on box drive.
Thanks -
4 votes
Kash supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Kash commented
If we can also add the ability under classifications settings - for specific users.
This will allow specific admin users the ability to change classifications and not open it up to editors or lower.
Thanks -
42 votes
Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. We will place this in our backlog as we continue evaluating ideas to improve Box Drive.
Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Kash supported this idea ·
1 vote
Kash shared this idea ·
1 vote
Kash shared this idea ·
8 votes
Kash shared this idea ·
14 votes
Kash supported this idea ·
1 vote
Kash shared this idea ·
4 votes
Thank you for the suggestion! At the moment there is no plan for this feature. We may look into this in the future.
Kash supported this idea ·
34 votes
Not on the roadmap for FY25, will evaluate for FY26
Kash supported this idea ·
5 votes
Kash supported this idea ·
2 votes
Kash supported this idea ·
2 votes
This specific use-case isn’t planned at this time, however, we are investigating if we could apply a classification policy instead.
Kash supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Kash commented
Hello Jon,
We at State Group are also looking for something similar, as we are not able to quarantine all the files - we would prefer to validate them and teach Upload Policy that this is not sin# rather po#. When we complacent about what alerts we are getting then we would like to move the files with SIN or Credit card to a specific folder only HR is allowed so the rest can be HIPAA compliant.
Hoping someone can try the following in Box:
Recently I was working on a file, which I could not remove from a PC.
The reason, was the path was too long for that file, but under properties for that file, the name was small as C:/Users/Desktop/Azass~1.PDF when in reality it was “Azasssjaksakjskajkaskaj sjkas jaksj ksjha sjah jas jsjh asj shaj hsahjahsa 01” It was much longer.
If we can enable file name shortening on box drive, it might help a lot of users who open long file names?