AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box)

My feedback

10 results found

  1. 22 votes
    How important is this to you?
    AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) supported this idea  · 
  2. 2 votes
    How important is this to you?
    AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) shared this idea  · 
  3. 110 votes
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    not planned  ·  Anonymous responded

    This is not technically possible with the current non-persistent architecture of Box Drive.

    When the ‘Box’ folder disappears (whens users quit, update, log out) Windows folder redirection creates a new ‘Box’ folder to continue to redirect content. This forks the redirection out of Box Drive.

    Workarounds have been investigated heavily, but the cost to implement is too large to commit to the roadmap now.

    An error occurred while saving the comment
    AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented  · 

    Omnicell is interested in seeing this feature added to the roadmap. Having the ability to support folder redirection in Box Drive would make it easier for them to manage PC replacements, administer legal holds on users' content, and allow them to deprecate a third party app that is currently being used to back up content in users Desktop/Documents/Pictures folders.

  4. 3 votes
    How important is this to you?
    AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) supported this idea  · 
  5. 13 votes
    How important is this to you?

    We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

    An error occurred while saving the comment
    AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented  · 

    Prologis is also interested in this feature.

  6. 3 votes
    How important is this to you?
    AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) shared this idea  · 
  7. 2 votes
    How important is this to you?
    AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) shared this idea  · 
  8. 2 votes
    How important is this to you?
    AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) shared this idea  · 
  9. 31 votes
    How important is this to you?

    Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

    An error occurred while saving the comment
    AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented  · 

    Prologis would also like to have the option to pin the sidebar.

  10. 177 votes
    How important is this to you?
    AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) supported this idea  · 

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