Add configuration option to hide the right-hand sidebar automatically
When a file is opened, the right-hand sidebar is open by default. My preference is to have it closed, so I must close it each time. Please add a configuration option that would allow for users to set that sidebar closed at startup by default.

Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Prologis would also like to have the option to pin the sidebar.
Anonymous commented
Please set the Right-hand Sidebar to default in the Closed position. This is a pretty easy config to implement. The UX is very frustrating and causes me to hate using Box and recommend others to use ActiveCollab instead.
Anonymous commented
This is an accessibility issue. I need large print in my display, and the sidebar makes filenames illegible
Anonymous commented
I have same request. The sidebar takes up too much of my screen. Would rather start my page with the sidebar already hidden ... with option to open it up when I want to. Default should be sidebar hidden. Thank you.