File criteria exclusion list for Box Shield classification policies
When setting up classification policies, Omnicell, Inc., would like to be able to create a list of custom terms to exclude, in addition to the existing ability to designate file criteria that will trigger application of a classification label. This would reduce the number of documents that will incorrectly have a classification applied when auto-classification is enabled. For example, Omnicell has a lot of content with dummy PHI in their environment - this content is allowed to be stored in Box and should not be classified; however, they also want to protect actual PHI that may be stored in Box, which should be classified. If they had the ability to create classification policies that have an exclusion list (i.e., ignore files with a data string in this format, with this file hash, with these metadata values, with this file naming convention), that would allow them to more confidently roll out classification policies without being concerned about content being classified incorrectly.