Colo Host

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15 results found

  1. 1 vote
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    Colo Host commented  · 

    Great comment; "not via API", here's the link to doing it via API.

  2. 7 votes
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  3. 46 votes
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    We now have the ability to use TOTP for 2FA. In addition, admins can enforce TOTP for managed/external users.
    We do want to support FIDO standards for 2FA in the future and will update this idea with more details once we have a concrete plan.

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    Colo Host commented  · 

    Why does this retain a not planned status? TOTP is not a secure option; a TOTP key can be stolen without the user's knowledge, allowing someone else to be generating the exact same codes as them. Hardware tokens mean the user either possesses it or they don't, so they know when they've been compromised.

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    Colo Host commented  · 

    For the topic creator, if you have an enterprise account, you can tie it into someone else's multi-factor authentication system, such as Duo, Okta, etc. where you can enforce the 2fa on their side, with proper hardware tokens. I'd prefer to see it native too, but just throwing it out there as an option in case you do have an enterprise Box account.

  4. 3 votes
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    Colo Host commented  · 

    I would not hold my breath on this. Dropbox had M1 support and a drive without requiring insecure kernel mods a year before Box, so they might fix this in 2023. All our developers upgrading to Monterey and using the FPE-based Box Drive have had their workflows broken because of this, so now they're having to alter every shell script, etc. that expected ~/Box

    Colo Host supported this idea  · 
  5. 55 votes
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    Colo Host commented  · 

    I don't see how this hasn't made it into Box long ago. They support expiration on shared links for a reason, and the same logic applies to internal collaborations.

    Almost no business entity using Box can set the enterprise-level auto expiry on internal collaborations, because there are countless reasons why internal collaborations need to exist forever, such as cross-department collabs, etc.

    So, without the ability to make use of that feature, endless never-expiring collaborations just fill up the root folder of everyone who's ever on the receiving end of one of these collaborations. Everyone in my company has had their root folder end up as a useless mess because of the endless no-longer-relevant collaborations they're in.

    Colo Host supported this idea  · 
  6. 99 votes
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    Colo Host commented  · 

    In Box, the only setting you have related to expiring collaborations is all or nothing on internal collaborations, company-wide. For the vast majority of corporations, there are endless reasons why internal collaborations need to remain in place indefinitely, such as cross-department folders, etc. That being the case, people or departments who need to frequently collaborate across group/department, but don't want the collaboration to remain in place, end up creating a cluttered mess of collaborations that never get removed because they are not easy to remove.

    For example, if the HR department creates a folder for an interviewee, and adds in the hiring manager and any staff who would need to see and collaborate on the candidate during the interview process, that will require a custom collaboration on a per-candidate basis. Even if they keep these as sub-folders of a master candidate folder, that results in a nightmare of collaborations that never go away.

    I'd like to see a quick and easy way to bulk purge all the collaborations that live under a certain folder. This would let a user have something like an "Applicants - 2021-07" folder where all these things live, and after a month or two they just click a button to kill all the now-useless collaborations on everything in there.

    Colo Host supported this idea  · 
  7. 51 votes
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    Although this suggestion is not under consideration for the current or future roadmap, please reach out to Google to communicate your request. 

    Colo Host supported this idea  · 
  8. 15 votes
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    not planned  ·  lwang responded

    This is an interesting feature! However, it does not have enough demand in order to be prioritized.

    We are happy to reconsider with additional feedback.

    Colo Host supported this idea  · 
  9. 21 votes
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    Colo Host commented  · 

    Just asked support about this, of course got sent to Pulse. Our enterprise is intentionally set for shared links to have an expiration by default, so shared links should not be considered permanent. If employees are needing to find a permanent link to content for embedding in documentation, or sending internally versus external collaboration, they need the permanent link. There is no quick way to get that with Box Drive, you have to click "View on", then log in, then two factor, highlight the URL, copy, then you can finally paste. This should be a one click operation accomplished in Box Drive directly; find the content you want, "Copy permanent link" or whatever you what to call it.

    Colo Host supported this idea  · 
  10. 2 votes
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    Colo Host shared this idea  · 
  11. 105 votes
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    Colo Host supported this idea  · 
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    Colo Host commented  · 

    Even better would be a Box official repo, then we can mirror the packages, and enforce it being up to date on our users' workstations.

  12. 3 votes
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    Colo Host shared this idea  · 
  13. 198 votes
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    We understand the request, but unfortunately this is not on the near-term roadmap. We are currently prioritizing automatically locking/unlocking files on Box Drive for Office files on Windows. We will revisit this feature in the future.

    Colo Host supported this idea  · 
  14. 6 votes
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    Colo Host shared this idea  · 
  15. 889 votes
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    Colo Host supported this idea  · 

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