Create new Google Forms in Box

Although this suggestion is not under consideration for the current or future roadmap, please reach out to Google to communicate your request.
Anonymous commented
It has been multiple years. Please reconsider and add this.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Box Form or Box Survey could replace expensive SurveyMonkey costs.
Anonymous commented
This would be incredible to utilize a custom-made form to interact with multiple organizations and have one place to gather and collect the information. And to take it a step further, for the ability to aggregate the data input into the forms into one sheet (i.e. Excel) and then be able to create a dashboard from the data collected.
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Or offer native functionality to create a form inside of Box. "Box Forms." "Box Survey." Same thing as Google Forms.
Anonymous commented
We are in desperate need of forms to optimize workflow, however Google/Google Forms is not approved for our organization. Would love to see this offered internal to Box/non-third party if possible.
Anonymous commented
I cannot believe that box hasn't integrated yet any forms to it...
I am working as well with "Sharepoint" and I can easily add a google form link to the folder in this tool.
Why there isn't such functionality in Box yet?
Anonymous commented
Would be really useful.
Anonymous commented
My HR dept has asked about a Box integration with Google Forms in addition to the other Google Drive integrations. They use forms for a variety of internal needs, including reviews and they need a more secure way to house these docs.