Remove multiple collaborators from folders
Box currently does not have a way to remove multiple collaborators at bulk.
Currently, admin needs to manually remove multiple users by opening the appropriate folder and removing users one at a time.
Suggestion can also apply to removing collaborators from multiple folders.

Due to other higher priority items, this has been deprioritized.
Anonymous commented
This would be really useful for me when transferring a completed project file to archive, I currently have to navigate down to all sub-folders to remove collaborators and its a risk to the security of our information by not having a simple way to do this.
Anonymous commented
Please! This is an essential feature that is missing. And it shouldn’t be hard to implement. Please, please, please give us a bulk remove.
Anonymous commented
@box where are you at with adding this feature. Extremely time consuming to run through a list of collaborators & remove them as echoed in frustrations below.
(Edited by admin) -
Anonymous commented
Can you reprioritize this feature? I echo all the comments below. At least add it to a command line interface option.
Anonymous commented
The "Manage Collaborator's" list of folder collaborators should display checkboxes next to each name to mark for mass removal (or mass change of role). Thank you.
Anonymous commented
If someone is the owner of a folder, it would make sense to have an option to "Unshare" the folder, essentially removing all collaborators from the content. That or some sort of multiselect function to choose multiple at a time to either update access level or remove. To echo the 80+ other admins, it is a big pain point at the end of an engagement when we need to retain the content, but remove collaborators. Each time one account is removed, the entire page refreshes - if there are 20+ collaborators, this takes upwards of 10 minutes - it is a waste of time to need to perform such a tedious administrative task when it is so easily done on other platforms.
Anonymous commented
Just lost another 20 minutes having to click three times @ to remove users. Please at least add the ability to do a check off of users, then delete, one confirmation.
Josh commented
If we can bulk add multiple collaborators, then why oh why can't we bulk remove them too?
And if you are not planning to give us a way to remove more than one collaborator at a time, then at the very least, please, please, PLEASE add a quick and easy way to completely UNSHARE something with ALL collaborators.
Currently, the only way to remove collaborators from a share is to:
* Click each collaborator's current Permissions level
* Select Remove
* Click Okay to confirm
* Repeat, over and over and over, one-by-one, for each and every collaborator that you want to remove.That takes FOREVER, especially if a share has many, MANY collaborators to remove.
The fact that something as essential as the ability to remove multiple collaborators from a share is deemed "NOT PLANNED" by the Box Dev team is a huge slap in the face to your customers.
Seriously, just give us an "UNSHARE" button to remove all collaborators.
Anonymous commented
When using box as a data room with many external collaborators. When the project is over it is necessary to remove these many external collaborators which were easily uploaded to be given access.
Anonymous commented
Once a project is completed, we'd like to remove collaborators so no accidental changes gets made once it's archived.
Box Admin Service commented
Ok well here we are in 2021 and you still haven't come up with a good way or Administrators to perform bulk user operations. I'm an admin at a bank and we perform a access review every qtr, its a nightmare having to remove one collaborator at a time, as soon as I get more sway at this company we'll be moving away from this POS platform.
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature to remove all external collaborators from a folder in one action. This is helpful if immediate action is needed due to a security concern.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. Major pain point.
Deepak Kaul commented
Removal of Shared Folder in bulk from users box account.
Can you add a functionality to remove the shared folders in bulk . currently we can remove them one by one.We should have the ability to select the folders and then hit remove so that they wont appear in our box account
Colo Host commented
In Box, the only setting you have related to expiring collaborations is all or nothing on internal collaborations, company-wide. For the vast majority of corporations, there are endless reasons why internal collaborations need to remain in place indefinitely, such as cross-department folders, etc. That being the case, people or departments who need to frequently collaborate across group/department, but don't want the collaboration to remain in place, end up creating a cluttered mess of collaborations that never get removed because they are not easy to remove.
For example, if the HR department creates a folder for an interviewee, and adds in the hiring manager and any staff who would need to see and collaborate on the candidate during the interview process, that will require a custom collaboration on a per-candidate basis. Even if they keep these as sub-folders of a master candidate folder, that results in a nightmare of collaborations that never go away.
I'd like to see a quick and easy way to bulk purge all the collaborations that live under a certain folder. This would let a user have something like an "Applicants - 2021-07" folder where all these things live, and after a month or two they just click a button to kill all the now-useless collaborations on everything in there.
mkozak-adm commented
We manage MANY users ands greoups and one of them has scattered a collaborator across TONS of files/folders. Do we/they REEALLY need to go and do this ONE BY FREAKING ONE to remove this external collaborator?! Wow. Entrprise-grade, NOT!!!!! Just like I can search for "OWNER". I should be able to search for "COLLABORATOR" and MASS-REMOVE them from ALL when terminated (internal or external or otherwise)!
Annemarie Happee commented
Our use case:
We use the Box integration with Salesforce. Each one of our clients has their own Box folder. When a client transitions to an ex-client, we move the clients box folder to another locked down folder (meaning only the Box admin has viewing access) where only a few users have access. This is to protect the now ex-client's PII.The nature of how the integration works between Salesforce and Box adds our internal users as a collaborator of the client's folder if they simply view anything in that client's folder (we've contacted box separately before and the support team informed us that yes, that is the expected behavior of the integration).
Now, when we move the Box folder, we have to manually go in and remove all collaborators. Sometimes there is A TON. We have to remove each one individually. When you account for each collaborator being removed individually and the page reloading after each, this becomes SUPER time consuming.
The request: (1) Either make it so that you can manually remove multiple collaborators at once -OR- (2) make it so that when you move a subfolder to another locked down subfolder folder, all previous collaborators are removed and the sharing rules on the new subfolder are what's applied (like how Google Drive sharing works).
Thank you
Anonymous commented
We are adding and removing a number of collaborators across dozens of folders several times a year. It's really time consuming to be manually doing this one a time a time each time it needs to happen. It would be nice to have, say, check boxes to be able to bulk remove or update the permissions of collaborators.
Anonymous commented
Any Updates when the feature is avaiable?
Jeff Hunn commented
This would be a great add. We have users asking about this item lately as they adopt Box more and more. We also recommend leveraging our process for Box Groups but it is inefficient to remove many collaborators today.