Add Linux installer packages for Box CLI
Testing out the Box CLI and request official Linux support for Ubuntu or RHEL. Would like an easy install via apt-get or Yum.

We do not plan to address Linux support for the Box CLI.
Anonymous commented
You keep marketing all your wonderful tools to me. Too bad they don't run in my operating system. You are leaving behind a lot of your current users, and a lot of people who WOULD be using Box are not signing up because you don't have a Linux client.
Admincbetta (UX Designer, Box) commented
Although there is no Box CLI installer for Linux, installing the CLI on Linux is definitely possible by installing it as a Node package.
Firstly, install Node JS on the machine, and then simply install the CLI as a global package.
More details on this are available here:
Colo Host commented
Even better would be a Box official repo, then we can mirror the packages, and enforce it being up to date on our users' workstations.