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2661 results found

  1. Box Sign: Workday Integration

    eSign performance reviews and compensation plans

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  2. Canvas integration into Zoom

    Once canvas is available, there should be an integration into zoom so people can use Box Native canvases in Zoom, and the result should save automatically into Box.

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  3. Box Sign - Date Field should not exceed the field size allowed by the sender

    Signature box in Box Sign can be set fixed with size, so the user signature will not bigger or smaller compared to document

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  4. Template Migration from other e-signature solutions (DocuSign, Adobe etc)

    Provide a migration flow/tool that will allow customers to migrate templates from existing e-signature solution (docusign, adobe sign) to Box Sign.

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  5. Filter Box Signs by contract status ("In Progress", "Signed", or "Cancelled") from the column User Interface (more intuitive)

    Box Sign: Enable ability to filter by contract status ("In Progress", "Signed", or "Cancelled") from the column User Interface (more intuitive), rather than on the right side (less intuitive).

    See visual here:

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  6. Granular email notifications: signer has viewed the document or after each signer completes

    Would like the ability be notified via email when someone has viewed a signature request instead of when all signers have signed.

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  7. Users should be able to set up 2FA on their phones

    We invite external users who only have phones. However, we are set up for 2FA. That means these users need to find a computer to login via the webapp to set up 2FA before we can begin collaborating. This is an issue. The mobile interface should allow 2FA to be set up.

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  8. View embedded widgets on mobile.

    The embedded widget is currently not viewable from mobile.

    When embedded widgets are supported on mobile devices, security will be ensured by using the videos in the tenant's Box instead of storing them on an external server or streaming service.

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  9. Box Sign for Mobile App

    Box signs should be available in Box mobile app as well.

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  10. Add "Like" button to comments

    I would like to "like" comments on the preview so that is is easier to show that I have checked the comment without typing a new comment to say I have checked it.
    We are now getting more use to using reactions from Slack/Teams that it would be nice to react with a "like" or a thumbs up reaction.

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    We are planning on adding the ability to resolve comments in the future, but do not have the ability to like comments as part of the roadmap.

    Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  11. Unique domain name for Box Sign

    To minimize Box Sign being blocked by customers who block, Box Sign should have its own unique domain name. Example,

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  12. Allow for multiple primary admins

    There are several functions within the Admin Console that are only accessible to the primary admin. Setting up SSO for example requires the primary admin, and co-admins are unable to integrate with SSO. In many environments there will not be a single administrator with privileged access across multiple systems, which means the primary admin role will need to be assigned and re-assigned multiple times to perform necessary tasks.

    To promote a secure environment where tasks may need to be performed by multiple administrators, I would request either 1) admin console allow for multiple users in the primary admin role, or…

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  13. MFA Excluded User List Needed

    MFA Excluded User List Needed - if a user has to switch MFA devices, as of now the Admin would need to globally turn MFA off for everyone, also an admin might need to setup a box account and login as a user (say using lastpass) before the hire date, thus they need to be on an exclusion list until they start, additionally automated processes might need a login that would be excluded from MFA needs direclty within box, thus the requirement for an exclusion list for MFA that is freely adjustable.

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    1. We will soon have the ability to download back up codes that can be used in case you don't have access to your MFA device.
    2. Certain Box plans have the ability to exempt specific users from MFA.
    3. We do have this exclusion list for external users.

    Given these, we don't have plans to add an exclusion list for managed user MFA at this point.

  14. Box Sign: fields are assigned by default to the recipient(s), rather than to the sender

    Box Sign: fields (e.g. Signature, Text, etc.) are assigned by default to the recipient(s), rather than to the sender

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  15. Enhance Metadata Search for Text field for Japanese language ("contains" instead of "exact match")

    Currently, texts in Metadata can only be searched by exact match especially for Japanese characters. We would like to see an improvement to make it "contains" search as it is available in the standard search.

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    We are planning improvements to how we handle Japanese language queries but this work is not currently on the roadmap in the next 12 months. We will take this into consideration for the annual roadmap for next year.

  16. Display warning if a document is open

    Display a warning similar to read-only if another team member has a file open. Currently this is not possible without code installed at the individual PC level and there is no solution with MAC (just confirmed with support). The conflicting versions can be frustrating for teams and the tiny lock icon is just not a large enough warning when opening from box drive.

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    For Office files stored in Box, we are enabling the capability coauthor in real-time with collaborators. This will eliminate issues that arise when creating conflict copies. For other files types that do not support coauthoring, we do not have a feature planned on our roadmap, to notify users when the file is locked outside of the lock icon that is displayed on the file in the Explorer/Finder view. 

    We will place this in our backlog as we continue evaluating ideas to improve Box Drive.

    Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  17. Ability to restrict access to specific folders from mobile devices

    We need to be able to restrict our users from viewing secure content on their phones. But not all of our content is secure. We would like to provide the convenience to our users of accessing their files via box, but restrict specific, secure, project related files from mobile access.

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  18. Box Sign Completed Document Sent Via Email

    It would be great with Box Sign, if when a document is completed the email also includes a copy of the document, not just a link

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  19. Box Sign - Make PDF form fields fillable

    Box Sign does not currently recognize embedded PDF form fields. You can add a text, date, checkbox, or signature field to a PDF document, but the original form fields are unavailable (but left intact).

    Use case: We ask our contractors to complete IRS W-9 forms using the standard IRS fillable PDF forms. If Box Sign could recognize the embedded fields in the IRS forms, our contractors could fill out, sign, and file the forms in one process. As it is, we will have to send them the fillable PDF form, ask them to fill it in and send it to…

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  20. Transfer Workflow Ownership (not sending it as a template but as a workflow)

    Recently the workflow ownership transfer has been released.

    However, this is to make the template of the workflow that is needed to be transferred.

    There is a need to transfer the actual workflow for below reasons:

    1. the new owner needs to check the past workflow activity but with the template it is not possible
    2. since it is a template, the new owner still needs to make the workflow

    Thank you for your consideration.

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    We definitely want to address this use case (new owner sees past workflow activity) but do not have plans to address it in the near term. We will update when we have a firmer idea of when this can be tackled.

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