Query 2+ Metadata templates together
I am interested in querying 2+ metadata templates together via the MD Query API. Right now, I can only query 1 template at a time.

Anonymous commented
Up vote on getting this planned.
Adminmriley (Admin, Box) commented
Although we do not plan to introduce this feature in the near term, we recognize its importance. We will certainly keep this in mind for future roadmap inclusion and we will keep the status of this request updated to accurately reflect our current position.
Anonymous commented
It would be very helpful to be able to search by content in multiple metadata templates at the same time using boolean logic as well as full and partial key word searches.
Anonymous commented
This is a key piece of functionality that the metadata toolkit needs to address
Anonymous commented
We are using two templates in Box to identify the exact folder/file due to our cascading rules. Therefore, Box should consider modifying the metadata toolkit support filtering on two metadata templates from the metadata query API(part of the metadata query toolkit).
Anonymous commented
Also i'm looking for a way to define the condition, like OR and AND, maybe like:
query=hello&mdfilters=enterprise.templateA.field1=X AND (enterprise.templateB.field2 = Y OR enterprise.templateC.field3 = Z) -
John Nickell commented
I would agree that this would be useful or less flexible would be to link metadata templates.
Here's a situation that the filter on multiple would be useful
We have "Project" and "Manufacturing Order" metadata templatesProject would have just the identifiable number.
Manufacturing Order template could have release status, and work locationIt would be unnecessary redundancy to include this same field on the Manufacturing Order template, but would be useful to be able to search for both "Project number" and "Released" Manufacturing orders.
AdminRaphael de Leffe (Admin, Box) commented
It would be really interesting to be able to search using several metadata template as Box allows to apply several metadata template to a file. This is a differentiator with other tools