My feedback
25 results found
141 votes
Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap.
Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Anonymous supported this idea ·
2 votes
Anonymous shared this idea ·
34 votes
We are investigating the best options to implement this into our Threat Detection alerts and dashboard.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
43 votes
This changes the core functionality of the integration and is not planned for now
Anonymous supported this idea ·
14 votes
Anonymous shared this idea ·
3 votes
Anonymous shared this idea ·
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
7 votes
Anonymous shared this idea ·
5 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Box Admin can select the group to which the GROUP ADMIN belongs by going to Admin Console > Users and Groups > Edit User Access permissions > "Select groups this user is in", and from the gear symbol You can change the detailed permissions of the group administrator.
However, there is no search function for group names in this field.
This makes it very difficult to find a specific group in a large number of groups.Please add a search function to Admin Console > Users and Groups > Edit User Access permissions > "Select groups this user is in".
Box管理者は、管理コンソール > ユーザーとグループ > "このユーザーが所属するグループを選択" からこのユーザー(グループ管理者)が所属しているグループを選択し、歯車マークからグループ管理者の詳細な権限を変更することができます。
そのため、膨大な数のグループの中から特定のグループを探すことがたいへん困難です。管理コンソール > ユーザーとグループ > ユーザーアクセス権限を編集 > このユーザーが所属するグループを選択 に検索機能を追加してください。
I want to select multiple users from the collaborator list and delete all the collaborators at once.
22 votesAnonymous supported this idea ·
14 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
22 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
5 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
5 votes
Anonymous shared this idea ·
34 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
2 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Currently, an email from Admin/Co-Admin is required to apply for the option.
However, we do not want to create a co-admin for security reasons.
The email address registered in the Admin is a special email address, so we can't send email to it.
We do not want to register a secondary email address in Admin for security reasons.For these reasons, we would like to you see an effort made to allow option requests to be made without an email from Admin.
Please add the ability to submit option requests from the admin console.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
The search function often does not lead you directly to the folder you want to open.
Since the destination folder hierarchy exists in a deep place, it is a hassle to save the file from Box Capture.
Since the folder names contain numbers, I think it would be more convenient to save in Box Capture if there was a sorting function by numbers.
保存先のフォルダ階層が深いところに存在するため、Box Captureから保存を行うのが手間です。
フォルダ名に数字を記載しているので、数字でのソート機能があればより便利にBox Captureでの保存を行えると思います。 -
36 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
3 votes
Anonymous shared this idea ·
15 votes
Thank you for this suggestion. I understand the use case. However, we do not plan to accommodate that level of customization at this time.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
When we see the usecases of each company,
there is a case that the users who are to use SSO belongs to the group with diferent company name,
on the other hand, users who belong to the same compnay may not logon through SSO for various reasons.
It occurs especially if the tenant owner is a big enterprise with many subsidiary compaies and group companies.
So we would like to request for the UI which has text customizable for the each tenant.各社のユースケースを見てみると。
そこで、テナントごとに文字をカスタマイズできるUIをお願いしたいと考えています。Anonymous supported this idea ·
I want the same function not only for "move / copy" but also for "delete".