Add additional search filters to Admin Console
There are wide variety of search filters available to end users when searching their Box content. Box Admins, however, do not have the same search filtering options through the Search Content section on Admin Console. Specifically, it would be hugely beneficial to be able to select the user(s) content you want to search via the Admin Console content search and to be able to apply content filters such as date range to the search results. This is essential functionality for e-discovery and for searches related to new GDPR requirements.
Anonymous commented
Box Admin can select the group to which the GROUP ADMIN belongs by going to Admin Console > Users and Groups > Edit User Access permissions > "Select groups this user is in", and from the gear symbol You can change the detailed permissions of the group administrator.
However, there is no search function for group names in this field.
This makes it very difficult to find a specific group in a large number of groups.Please add a search function to Admin Console > Users and Groups > Edit User Access permissions > "Select groups this user is in".
Box管理者は、管理コンソール > ユーザーとグループ > "このユーザーが所属するグループを選択" からこのユーザー(グループ管理者)が所属しているグループを選択し、歯車マークからグループ管理者の詳細な権限を変更することができます。
そのため、膨大な数のグループの中から特定のグループを探すことがたいへん困難です。管理コンソール > ユーザーとグループ > ユーザーアクセス権限を編集 > このユーザーが所属するグループを選択 に検索機能を追加してください。